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Stella's POV
*last night me,Kelly and Ella flew to Seattle once again for Emma's Graduation! I know what your thinking ! Emma's already graduated! I know but she went back to school so she can get a degree in criminal Justice to proceed and do higher and more things in the criminal world ! It's currently 9:45 am and we are in the hotel room while Emma's at her apartment getting ready to go for the graduation!*

Stella's POV*last night me,Kelly and Ella flew to Seattle once again for Emma's Graduation! I know what your thinking ! Emma's already graduated! I know but she went back to school so she can get a degree in criminal Justice to proceed and do high...

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*i put this outfit on and I straightened my hair and did some makeup and then Kelly had on a pair of black dress pants and a black dress shirt and then Ella went in to get ready*
Ella's POV
*after mom was done getting ready I got in the shower and then got ready*

*I put this dress on and curled my hair and did some makeup now you may be wondering why we are all in black and that is because it was recommended by the school that all guests coming to graduation wear black so we aren't distracting anyone from ...

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*I put this dress on and curled my hair and did some makeup now you may be wondering why we are all in black and that is because it was recommended by the school that all guests coming to graduation wear black so we aren't distracting anyone from the grads so that's why ! But now it is time to get going to the school*
At the graduation
*once we arrived we headed inside and got a spot somewhere near the front and we watched as all
The graduates walked across the stage and got handed there diploma ! And then it was Emma's Turn*
Teacher:our next Graduate is Emma Severide with her degree in criminal Justice !
Stella:wooohhhh go Emma !!
Kelly:yayyy Emma !!
Ella:goooo Emma!!!
*we all cheered very loud and the others around us clapped and cheered and then the ceremony was done so we stood up and headed out to the field to meet her*
Emma:hey guys !!
Stella:congratulations sweetie ! *hugs her*
Emma:thanks mom ! *hugs back*
Kelly:congrats! We are all very proud of you em ! *smiles*
Emma:thanks dad !
*we talked for a bit and then mom wanted to take some pictures so that's what we did ! We went around the campus and took pictures of Emma with her cap and then we decided to go out for celebration lunch since it was 1pm*
Stella:where do you wanna go ?
Emma:let's go to eves ! It's a really good restaurant around the corner
Ella:you go there often ?
Emma:it's Me and my friends go to spot !
Kelly:I'm trusting you !
*we got to the restaurant and we all ordered our food and we talked some more about what the options were for Emma and what she wanted to do with her degree ! Which she was super excited to tell us all the options since she's been doing lots of research and has been dying to tell someone ! Since her friends weren't to interested in it so she was going on and on about her options and how she was already in touch with her Sargent to see what he thinks about her transferring or getting a promotion or just simply starting a new job ! And then our food came and we all dug in mom got a chicken club house wrap with fries dad got wings and fries Emma got a chicken salad and I got chicken fingers and fries because why not ! And after we ate we dropped Emma off at her apartment cause she was going to a party with her friends do celebrate so we headed back to the hotel to start packing since our flight was tomorrow but then mom needed to post a congratulations post for Emma so that's what she did*

*I put this dress on and curled my hair and did some makeup now you may be wondering why we are all in black and that is because it was recommended by the school that all guests coming to graduation wear black so we aren't distracting anyone from ...

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Caption:I am so incredibly proud of this girl today because she had a dream and she chased it until she had it accomplished which makes this mama very proud !! Even tho Emma has graduated from the police academy and has a job that she absolutely loves she chose to go back to school and get her criminal Justice degree so she can have more job opportunities with a higher pay rate! Emma my darling , you never fail to make me proud and whenever you put your mind to something you do everything in your power to make sure it's gets done and that's exactly what you done here ! Even tho you were older than everyone else in your class you made the most of it and had lots of fun learning new things and exploring the different job opportunities you have now that you are more qualified! It makes me so happy that you have such a huge passion for working in the police force and seeing you pursue your dreams makes me very happy ! We wish you nothing but the best as your parents as you continue to grow and learn new things in this big world ! We love you so much Emma and don't ever forget it ! @Emma.Elizabeth @Kelly.severide
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@Kim.burgess:Congratulations Emma !! You continue to make me proud every single day ! Watching you enjoy working in an industry that you have so much passion for is just what the world needs ! I wish you nothing but the best as you move up the ladder in the Police world ! I'll always be one of your biggest fans ! ❤️❤️
@Jay.Halstead:Congratulations Emma!! I'm so proud of you for putting yourself out there to make sure you get the position of your dreams ! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Look out Seattle here she comes !! ❤️
@Matt.Casey:holy shit ! I didn't know she was gone back to school ! Congratulations Emma !! You always reach for the highest stars and you never fail to make me proud !! Good luck in your adventures !!
@Natalie.manning:congratulations Emma!! Can't wait to hear all about your journey when you come home !! I'm sure you will do amazing in whatever you choose to do !!
@Hailey.upton:this just made my day !! Congratulations Emma I am so freaking proud of you !! Always remember to keep your head held high and hold on to your confidence cause this job can certainly try and take that from you !! Good luck in whatever field you choose and I'm always here if you have any questions! And i will always cheer you on sweetie !!💞💞
@Gabby.Dawson:omg!! She did it !!! Congratulations Emma Elizabeth!! I am so so proud of you darling !! You got this girly !! Whatever field you decide to work in they will be lucky to have you !! ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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