Worst day ever

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Ella's POV
*well it's been a few months since Emma has gone back to Chicago and a lot of changes have happened ! Uncle Matt has moved in with us as aunt gabby has moved away to start something new and Sylvie got a new partner Emily foster who is really nice ! I love her but there's still something missing ! My older sister I miss her like crazy ! Like who am I supposed to talk to about boys and stuff ! Cause I certainly can't talk to anyone in the firehouse about it cause they don't know how to keep there mouths shut ! But recently my boyfriend of 4 months who I loved to pieces cheated on me ! Now I know that sounds crazy because I'm only young but I'm a really sensitive person and everyday has been horrible having to see his face every day in school and him hanging out with this girl and doing things that we used to do together but here I sit in history class after getting the news that my best friend Hannah is moving away to Canada ! So know I have lost my sister boyfriend and now my best friend and i am here sitting down trying my best not to cry*
After school
*I just got off the bus at the firehouse and lucky for me the trucks are out besides engine so I rushed inside and ignored everyone who talked to me and I went straight to my dads office and bawled my eyes out !*
Kelly's POV
*we just got back from putting gas in the truck and realized that truck and 61 were out on a call so I walked inside to get a bottle of water and Hermann stopped me*
Hermann:lieutenant ?
Kelly:what's up ?
Hermann:you might wanna check in on your daughter
Kelly:why ? What's wrong ?!
Hermann:she came in with tears rolling down her face and ignored us all
Kelly:where is she ?
Hermann:your office I think
Kelly:k thanks !
*I walked over to my office and saw my girl sat up against the wall on my bed in the office with tears streaming down her face so I opened the door and sat down beside her*
Kelly:what's going on sweetie ?
Ella:I don't wanna talk about it
Kelly:come on Ella ! You know it's better to talk to someone instead of bottling it up
Ella:yeah but I don't feel like talking about it right now
Kelly:so your choosing to bottle it up?
Ella:yeah *sighs*
*one thing me and Ella have in common is that we tend to bottle our emotions/ feelings up and not talk to someone which is super unhealthy! And I always regretted keeping my feelings to myself as a kid and I don't want Ella to do the same*
Kelly:listen Ella ! I understand you don't wanna talk but it's not healthy to keep it to yourself and besides I might be able to help you
Ella:you can't do anything about this dad !
Kelly:k but when your ready I'm here to talk
Ella:k but can you get out ?
Kelly:unfortunately I can't cause I have to do something but then I will get out I promise
Ella:k *continues to cry*
Ella's POV
*it's been 30 mins and I'm still crying and dad is still in his office so I decided to tell him about Hannah moving and that I miss my sister cause there was no chance in hell that I'm going to tell him that I had a boyfriend*
Ella:dad ?
Kelly:*turns around*
Ella:I'm ready to talk now
Kelly:k *gets up and sits beside me*
Ella:so I got news today that Hannah is moving to Canada
Kelly:is that what your so upset about ?
Ella:yeah ! And I miss Emma
Kelly:aww Ella ! We all miss Emma but she will back soon for a visit soon tho
Ella:yeah it's just not the same without her
Kelly:I know ! *puts his arm around her*
Ella:and now Hannah is moving to ! Like everyone I know is just leaving me
Kelly:I'm sure you will see Hannah again ! Like we can visit her and she can visit us !
Ella:yeah I guess
Kelly:is that all ? Cause that was a lot of crying for only Those 2 things
Ella:yeah that's all
Kelly:k well thank you for talking to me !
Kelly:doesn't it feel better to talk to someone then bottle it up ?
Ella:yeah it does !
Kelly:I don't mind you keeping it to yourself for a bit bit please don't let it get bad ok ?
Ella:ok dad ! *smiles*
Kelly:I love you Ella Bella
Ella:I love you to dad!
*and from that point forward my day went extremely well ! *

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