Chapter 20

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Adelina Celine Torres

"No way you just ordered milk..." Blake makes a disgusted face at me after I ordered. We are at a small cafe about five minutes from campus, and they serve breakfast all day so I'm obviously getting pancakes. And what drink goes perfect with breakfast? Milk.

I am an avid milk drinker. It's amazing, argue with the wall.

"You ordered whiskey. With pancakes." I argue back to Blake, who just looks at me like what he did is normal.

"Okay you two, we all agree you both got weird orders." Tess laughs at us.

Soon we get our food and all talk as we eat. I find myself really enjoying all of them, despite them being older and very different than me.

At the party I had seen a drunk, dirty side of all of them, but now they are all extremely nice and chill.

Alyssa and Andrew seem really close, kind of like me and Nick.

As I sip my milk I feel stares from specifically Blake and Alyssa, who I just stick my tongue out at. Judgy people.

Milk is over hated for no reason. One person one day randomly decided to hate it, and everyone bandwagoned onto the idea.

I eat my chocolate chip pancakes and stay pretty quiet throughout the dinner, as I usually do around new people. As the dinner goes on I chime into the conversation a few times, getting more comfortable each time.

Nick would be proud.

"I am going to run to the bathroom." I say, squeezing out of the booth crammed with all the people.

My bladder is like oddly small, I swear I am always having to pee.

Maybe it's a milk-drinker thing. Does milk shrink your bladder? No that's weird. I feel like I would know if it did...right?

I make my way to the bathroom and go pretty quickly since the worst thing in the world is when someone spends way too long in the bathroom.

Some girls don't know how to be speedy, I swear I have lost years of my life waiting for bathroom stalls to open up. 

When I come back from the restroom, everyone is still engrossed in conversation. I check the time to see it's already getting close to ten PM, meaning I need to start heading home.

Alyssa drove us though, so I sit back down to not make her leave early. She looks like she is having fun.

Everyone talks for a little longer, until we pay the check and start to leave.

"Hey Lina" Blake comes up to me before I leave. "Could I get your number?" He asks me, looking at the floor like he is nervous.

"Of course" I smile to him, watching as his face lights up.


He hands me his phone and I input my number, then we say goodbye and I climb into Alyssa's car.

"Oh my gosh! He's into you!" Alyssa goes nuts the second I close the car door.

"Shut up!" I quickly say, since Blake is still pretty close to the car and may be able to hear her.

"He is not." I say once Alyssa calms down.

"Girl, yes he fucking is. He stares at you all dinner and asks for your number..." she starts to back out of the parking spot, running straight into the curb.

"Oops" she mumbles.

As I think about Alyssa's words, I can't help but feel guilty if Blake does like me. I don't think I see him that way, and a part of me still has a crush on Ronny even if he is ignoring me.

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