Adelina Celene Torres
"Beautiful girl wakey wakey!" I hear Phoebe's voice, my eyes fluttering open.
I stay still, soaking in the room lit up by the rising sun with views overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The sun is beaming through the windows, giving the room a beautiful light that feels amazing to wake up in.
"Yeah get the hell up! It's already ten!" Alyssa is behind her, opening the curtains even more than they already are to allow even more light into the room. "I'm upppp" I say, rubbing my eyes and sitting up.
I instinctively look to my side, frowning when I remember that Aaron isn't here. I am not used to waking up alone- I miss him being all over me and suffocating me with cuddles in the morning,
"Where is the groom again?" Alyssa asks, opening the closet door and shuffling through clothes. We got in two days ago, and I already settled in to the villa that Aaron's family let us stay in. Because they just casually own villa's on the coast of Greece. Normal right?
Matthew apparently owns a hotel chain including several villa's, and he's letting us use them. He gave one to me and my girls for my bachelorette party, one to Ron and his guys, then one just for me and Ron.
Crazy stuff.
Alyssa emerges from the closet with a white sundress in her hand and she hangs it on the curtain rod, then turns to me with her hand on her hip and I realize she asked me a question.
"Aaron had work in Athens, so he's just flying in tomorrow morning." I tell her, and she raises an eyebrow at me. "Isn't that cutting it a little close?"
I shrug, "He'll be back in time for the rehearsal dinner that night."
We have the rehearsal dinner Thursday, then all of Friday to spend in Greece before we will split up that night- for his bachelor party and my bachelorette party-, then the wedding on Saturday evening.
I don't even know what I am doing for my bachelorette party. Phoebe and Alyssa planned it, inviting Vivi, Wendy, and Bella. I requested nothing too crazy, since I do get married the next day after all.
Maybe some male strippers.
Just kidding.
I make a mental note to jokingly imply that there will be strippers to Aaron.
"Go wash up, we have a long day of shopping and making sure everything at the church is perfect."
I kick the covers off my body and roll out of bed, walking past the two girls and grabbing the dress Alyssa selected for me as I do. I walk into the bathroom and get ready, putting on the dress and doing light makeup.
The past two days I have been making sure everything for the wedding is perfect, and today is the last day I have to do anything. All I have to do is ensure the venue is how I want it, then tomorrow I can relax and have a nice beach day.
Once I am all ready, I walk out from the bathroom and tie my hair into a low bun as I slip my feet into sandals.
The three of us leave the villa and walk to the reception venue, which is just a five minute walk from the church where the service will be held. The reception place is a beautiful large outdoor area with string lights over dozens of circle tables with a view of the ocean. It has a bar on one end and room for a dance floor on the other.
It's amazing, and I bet it will look stunning at night.
We reach the venue and I am surprised by how put together it is now versus when I visited two days ago. The tables are spread out over the tiled patio, and the unlit string lights hang overhead-not enough to look tacky, but enough to provide gentle light at night.

RomancePerfect appearances, perfect grades, perfect manners. Anything less for Adelina Torres and her family kicks her to the streets until she can keep up with the family name. She never had a life of her own. Always studying, always going to business din...