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I NEVER THOUGHT I would be stuck thirty-one thousand feet in the air with my childhood best friend turned enemy—Easton Moore

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I NEVER THOUGHT I would be stuck thirty-one thousand feet in the air with my childhood best friend turned enemy—Easton Moore.

But two hours into our flight, the thought had crossed my mind multiple times to either jump out of the plane and take my chances or throw him out of it instead.

The more time passed, the more appealing the second option seemed.

Rolling my eyes for what feels like the hundredth time, I hear him shuffling about again in his seat. Trying to get comfortable as he contorts his six-foot-three body into the plane seat. Just when I think he has stopped and gotten comfortable, I hear a groan and more shuffling.

Pinching the bridge of my nose as I close my eyes, the noise refuses to seize and I reach over to grab his arm to stop him from moving.

"Can you stop moving around so much? You're already making me regret this whole thing more than I already do," I ask him as I turn my head to look at him, a glare in my eyes.

His eyes flicker down to my hand on his arm that I remove before he looks at me with an incredulous look. "I can't really help it if I can't get comfortable, Gabs. Airlines don't tend to make seats big enough for normal sized people."

I scoff. "Normal sized people, my ass. Business class seats aren't big enough for you either?"

He gestures to the length of his body and then the seat and the surrounding space. "Look at me and then look at the space I have. Does this look comfortable to you?"

I give him a sweet smile. "Maybe it's time to consider it's not the plane's fault."

He gives me a deadpan look. "Hilarious."

I sigh, flicking some loose hair away from my face. "If you're going to keep shuffling around, be quieter about it. I'm trying to plot your demise."

A small smile twitches at the corner of his lips. "I wouldn't expect anything else, Gabi."

His gaze burns into the back of my head as I look outside the plane window. Watching the clouds as we float above them, wondering about what is below, whether it's the ocean or land. Resting my head back against my seat as I let out a soft sigh the further away we get from my small hometown of Sandy Cove.

I don't turn around and he doesn't speak to me again.

Of all the beaches in the world that he travels to, he had to walk back onto the one in my hometown merely a week ago. The same hometown we both grew up in together. I had kept my distance from him, avoiding him on his trips back to town, but that all changed when he barged his way back into my life.

His eyes had stared into my own, holding me hostage as the world around us disappeared. I recall the small smile on his lips and the way his eyes softened as he called me by my nickname like he had spoken it a million times over the years.

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now