t w e n t y - t h r e e*

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MORNING SEX IS the best.

Waking up to a beautiful girl, the one you have cared about your whole life, initiating a sleepy kiss before climbing on top of you naked to ride you is a morning for the books.

Her moans surround the room as she throws her head back, her hips rolling against mine as she bounces up and down on my dick. Her beautiful, naked body is on display for my eyes only. My hands grip her hips tightly as I thrust my hips upwards to meet her as her hands rest on my chest for stability.

Her perfect handful of breasts bounce up and down as she does, and watching her body on top of mine in the morning is a sight to see.

Giving her hips a generous squeeze, I move my hands upwards to cup her bare breasts, squeezing them and rolling her nipples between my fingers.

"Easton," she moans with pleasure, her nails digging into my chest. Letting out screams of pleasure as I hit her g spot.

"Fuck, that's it, Gabs. Ride my dick, like a good girl," I grunt out, giving her breasts one last squeeze, moving them back to her hips. "Put your hands on the headboard."

She does as I say, leaning over me to her hands are on the headboard and her beautiful breasts are above my face. I take my time with them, kissing, nipping, and sucking at her breasts as she moans and continues to rotate her hips so we can find our release.

"God, I love your tits," I tell her, nuzzling my face into them, and she laughs slightly before moaning as I thrust my hips up.

She pulls back from the headboard before leaning down to kiss my chest. I groan before she leans to kiss me lazily and hum, "Mmm."

I smile against her lips as I run my hand through her hair, tugging slightly but mostly running my hand through it in a comforting way. She presses her body against mine, slowly kissing me as our release starts to build. Slowly and steadily, our bodies lazily move together and her body eventually gives in, her orgasm ripping through her as she moans and her eyes roll to the back of her head.

Mine follows soon after as she lazily bounces on top of me, her pussy clenching around my dick as I find my own release.

Her body slumps against my own and I wrap my arms around her waist, holding her tight as she nuzzles into my chest. Knowing she will fall asleep, I tap her butt so she will get up and go pee as I get rid of the condom. She comes jumping back into bed and I cradle her in my arms, running my hand through her hair as she dozes off to sleep.

Meanwhile, I just lie here.

I kiss her head and run my hands up and down her waist for comfort as I take in the feeling of having her in my arms.

My phone starts to buzz, and I look over, seeing my agent's name. I sigh, not wanting to get up and leave Gabi. Slowly peeling her off me without waking her up, I stand up and put on some shorts before making my way out onto the balcony, closing the door behind me so I don't disturb her.

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now