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WALKING THROUGH THE farmer's market in the next town over, something Thalia and I do once a month, I pick up yet another sexually shaped vegetable

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WALKING THROUGH THE farmer's market in the next town over, something Thalia and I do once a month, I pick up yet another sexually shaped vegetable. After being here for less than one hour, I must have already seen over ten vegetables that look like specific body parts.

Shaking my head as a laugh tumbles from my lips, I put the ironically shaped parsnip back down in the basket, having reached my quota of dirty shaped vegetables I can buy in one trip.

Pushing my tote bag further up on my shoulder, it gets heavier the more market stalls I pass and the more I buy. I take a moment to look around at my surroundings as people pass by me.

Cute little market stalls are covered in checked table coverings, with boxes and barrels full of fruit, vegetables, and flowers on top of them. The stalls surround the stretch of road in the town and there are people everywhere. The sun beams down on us, making us break a sweat as we shop.

The farmers' market has a very calming aura that brings a smile to my face.

"I don't know how many more sexualised shaped fruit and vegetables I can take," Thalia says as she walks over to me, having split up to go explore a while ago now. She reaches to clip her hair back as she looks around.

"What are these people farming them with?" I say, and Thalia screws up her face in disgust at the possibility. "Ew definitely not thinking about that."

She shakes her head and we both laugh before moving on towards the flower truck.

"Is there any point in me buying some flowers? We both know I'll just kill them within a few days. Keeping flowers alive is not my forte," I say as I take a petal between my fingers.

"I don't understand how you kill them so fast. Are you pouring orange juice into a vase rather than water?" Thalia chuckles, shaking her head as she pays for some flowers.

"No, but at least then I would know what I was doing wrong," I say as we walk away from the truck and continue to make our way through the stalls agreeing to head back towards the car, having finished with our farmers market trip for the day.

Thalia looks over to me as we walk side by side. "Have you given anymore thought to Easton's proposition?"

I roll my eyes and snort. "There's nothing to think about. It's absurd."

She hums and I look at her in disbelief as her face conveys that she feels differently about this than I do.

"You cannot think this is a good idea?" I ask her as I lightly take her arm to stop us from walking. I cross my arms as she turns to look at me, hiking her bag further up her shoulder.

She shrugs. "I mean, it's not the worst thing in the world. You'll get to travel, go diving in some of the best oceans in the world, which will help with your papers for your last year of college, and this way you will get to keep both the house and the coffee shop."

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now