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"IT'S KIND OF a full circle moment, don't you think? You started out originally having feelings for him growing up, to then hating him and now you are kind of back where you started or, well, where you would have been had he not left for tour

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"IT'S KIND OF a full circle moment, don't you think? You started out originally having feelings for him growing up, to then hating him and now you are kind of back where you started or, well, where you would have been had he not left for tour."

I roll my eyes as I hold my phone against my ear, sat sunbathing on the beach while Easton is training with his coach who flew out here. Easton is currently doing suicide sprints up and down the beach, giving me a moment to stare at his abs and muscles until he catches me and winks.

"You know I call you for meaningful advice or to talk me out of my head from running away and the answer you have for me is this was meant to be?" I ask her with a scoff, and she chuckles.

"You have to admit, you have been happier lately. Don't forget I've seen you go through your phases, like sleeping with Sam," she says and I make a face.

"That was a mistake," I say, and she agrees. "I was so angry at Easton where I thought doing that was a good idea."

"You do tend to act out when backed into a corner," she tells me.

"I'm trying to get better at that," I say. "I have to admit, even though I do like being on tour, I am ready to come home."

"Have you and Easton spoken about that? I know you're taking things slow, but with the season coming to an end, have you spoken about what's next? Or about his next tour?" she asks me and I shake my head, looking up from the sand, seeing Easton heading into the water with his board.

"No, we haven't. Things have been going well where I don't think either of us wants to bring it up," I explain, but I know by us not bringing it up we are being cowards.

"Well, you need to soon," she reminds me and I sigh, nodding my head as I pick at my beach towel.

"I know. How is my shop doing, anyway? I kind of miss it all, you know," I say to her.

"It's doing good. You'll be happy to know when you're back it would not have burned down," she says.

"I don't know how to repay you for everything," I admit.

"You owe me nothing," she tells me. "And good luck today finding out your grade."

"Thanks," I say with a smile before I see Easton walking over. "I've got to go, but I'll text you with how it goes."

We say our goodbyes and hang up just in time for Easton to put his board down and come and sit next to me.

"With how what goes?" Easton asks, placing a kiss on my bare shoulder, getting it slightly wet from him being in the water.

I reach up to wipe some of the water from his face. "My thesis grade."

"You'll do great," he assures me before his eyes flicker to my phone. "Thalia?"

I nod my head in response. "How was training?"

"Sometimes training is harder than the competition. My muscles ache more," he says while stretching. "But I think my coach has it out for me and pushed my hard."

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now