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HER BODY IS draped over my own

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HER BODY IS draped over my own.

Her soft hand rests on my chest, just above my heart, as her body is curled into mine and her head is tucked into the curve between my neck and shoulder. Her leg is thrown across both of mine and her red hair is spread out across my shoulder and down my chest. Even in her pajamas, I can feel every inch of her soft body pressed against my side.

Starting out on the opposite side of the beds, her facing away from me, I woke up to find her tangled around my body, somehow having made it from the whole other side of the bed to my side. She is definitely going to re-instate the pillow wall after this.

I let out a content sigh as I reach down to rest my hand over her own, playing with her fingers and I smile as she in her sleep moves her arm to rest fully across my chest, her hand now resting on the other side of my neck.

I play with her hair, running my hand through the tangles and she lets out a soft hum at the feeling. Letting go, I reach over to my phone, seeing we need to get up as I have a surprise for her.

"Gabs," I softly hum, reaching over to place my hand on her hip to shake her awake. She moves but doesn't wake up, instead her body moves more onto my body. "Gabs, wake up."

She lets out a hum and I feel her head move in the crook of my neck. I can tell as soon as she realizes she is cuddled into me as her body tenses up. She lifts her head, groggily blinking, as she looks at me. Then takes a moment to look at our position and she pulls her hand back like it is on fire.

"The pillow wall is going back up," she mumbles as she detangles herself from my body and I immediately miss her warmth.

I smirk. "You know, I think you made that pillow wall for you. After all, you made it over to this side of the bed and hugged me like a koala."

She sends me a glare as she pushes her hair away from her face, looking around the room, and I take a moment to look at her in the morning.

That morning I left for the tour, I had taken a moment to admire her. Her hair was in a mess everywhere on her pillow, the cute little expressions she made in her sleep and the way she curled herself up.

Now her hair curls down her body and her eyes seem to shine brighter in the morning. It makes it hard to not take her into my arms to hug and kiss her, wanting to hear sweet little sounds come from her as I do.

"What?" Gabi asks, looking at me weirdly and I shake my head to snap myself out of it.

"Nothing," I say, sitting up and swinging my legs out of the bed, stretching, and I feel her eyes on my back as I do. "You might want to get ready. I have a surprise for you that starts in an hour."

I untie my Durąg, taking it off my head as I stand up and walk to my suitcase.

"What surprise?" she asks. I can hear the curiosity, excitement but also hesitance in her voice and I turn around.

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now