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P R E S E N T  T I M E

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P R E S E N T  T I M E...

"THE REST OF this flight is going to be painfully long if you refuse to speak to me."

My fingers fidget with the pages of my book that I hold in my hands at the sound of Easton's voice. Sighing, I bookmark my page before closing the book and resting it on my lap. Looking up, I brush the stray strands of hair out of my eyes as I look towards him.

His legs are stretched out in front of him, finally having gotten comfortable in his seat, which made me wonder how much worse it would be for him in economy and the smaller seats. He looks at me with his head resting back against the headrest.

After our last interaction, we have not spoken for hours. Between naps and movies, I had kept talking to a minimum. One thing Easton has always struggled with is sitting in silence or sitting still for long periods of time, which is surprising for how much he travels.

"How can I manage to do long flights better than you when you are the one to travel for a living?" I ask him, amused, and he shrugs his shoulders, trying to stretch his body out more.

"You know me, I'm not made for one place for so long and my body isn't the best for confined spaces," he says, and I hum agreeing with the fact he can't stay in one place for long.

"Oh, I know that," I mutter, but he catches onto my double meaning of the fact he didn't stay in Sandy Cove.

He crosses his arms over his chest as he shoots me a look. "You know I won our diving competition, which means you have to try to get along with me."

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?" I ask, raising my eyebrow as I place my book back in my bag before turning my body towards him to face him more.

He taps his chin, and I roll my eyes as he pretends to think for a few moments. "How about we catch up? I've been gone for years. I feel like I've probably missed a lot in your life."

I cross my arms. "I think we've pretty much covered everything that happened, which isn't much. I'm sure you have more interesting stories with being the one who has traveled to all these different places."

He rubs his chin and smirks. "You've not covered everything. I mean, you left out the fact you and Sam slept together."

"I would kill Atlas if I weren't so far away by now," I mutter, shaking my head before I sigh. "Not that it's any of your business. It was just a few times, no big deal. Like you've been a saint, it's why you're in this mess."

Something flashes through his eyes, but as quick as it came, it's gone. "I'm not judging Gabi. I just know I've missed a lot in your life, which is my fault, and I'm guessing I'm just realizing how much I missed. After all, we used to know everything about each other."

"I'm sure I know less about you these days," I tell him and he rubs his chin.

"Hmm, let's see, my life has mostly been traveling, surfing, partying. There are a lot of stories I could tell you, but after a while they all blend together and it's not exciting anymore," he says, looking straight ahead. "Maybe that's another reason I wanted you to be my fake girlfriend and not some random person my agent chose. You always made life better."

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now