f o u r t e e n*

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PUSHED AGAINST THE wall, Easton's body pressed up against mine as his hands cup my cheeks and his lips press against my own, has me questioning how we went from arguing to this

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PUSHED AGAINST THE wall, Easton's body pressed up against mine as his hands cup my cheeks and his lips press against my own, has me questioning how we went from arguing to this.

Two seconds ago, I was tearing him a new one and now my body is craving his touch.

The logical side of my brain knows I should push him away. I'm mad at him for everything that happened years ago and shouldn't go back down this road. My heart, though, won't let me push away the man who was my best friend and also much more to me.

So, I kiss him back.

My body molds into his as I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down more as I lean into the kiss. His body that is pressed against my own pushes me further into the wall, his leg between mine as his hands grab my hips. He deepens the kiss, eliciting a moan from me and he shows no signs of stopping of what we are doing.

Our kisses are frantic, rushed, and passionate.

The tension and animosity seeping between us finally snapping as we cave to each other.

Like he has been waiting for this for a long time.

He pulls his lips away from mine, a whimper leaving me as he does, but he wastes no time grabbing my thigh and hitching it up to his waist. His other hand moving from my hip to press against the wall as his lips find my neck.

I gasp, my head falling back against the wall and my hands dropping to his chest. My leg wraps around the back of his legs and ass as his hand spreads across my leg, running it up and down.

"I know I hurt you, Gabs. But I don't ever want you to believe that I never cared about you for one second. I will never stop caring about you," he whispers into my ear while placing sweet kisses along my neck.

His hand skirts dangerously close to my thong, hiding beneath my dress that has ridden up the point that if he pulled back, it would be on full display.

"Touch me, Easton." I breathe out as I decide to worry about the consequences tomorrow.

After all, I just want him to make me feel good again—wanted again.

He pauses for a moment, as if not believing me and when I don't protest, his hand plays with the thin fabric as he lifts his head out of my neck to look me in the eyes.

So many emotions pass through his eyes and I'm sure mine as well. Without breaking our stare, he dips his hand into my thong, brushing against the soft skin there. I gasp, closing my eyes and resting my head back against the wall once more as he presses two fingers into me.

"Fuck," he groans, resting his forehead against mine. "You're soaked."

I go to let out a moan at the pressure, but Easton takes the opportunity to lean down and deeply kiss me, swallowing my moan. I reach my hand around to cup the back of his neck as I kiss him back.

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now