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"ARE YOU WEARING Gabi's hat?"

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"ARE YOU WEARING Gabi's hat?"

Atlas stands proudly on the harbor dock next to the boat with a big floppy hat on his head. One I distinctly remember belonging to Gabi. A cheeky smile crosses Atlas's face as he takes the hat off and tips it like a cowboy hat.

Thalia walks over to us, shaking her head as she places her hand on Atlas's shoulder. "I asked that same question the first time I went on the boat with them all. At first he only wore it while Gabi went back to get something, but now he likes it and stole it from her."

I hear Gabi shout from on the boat. "You owe me a new one!"

I step onto the boat, flicking his hat off his head as I walk past him and I laugh at his disgruntled protests. Making my way over to our group of friends, I hug them all, aside from Gabi, who I nod at knowing going in for a hug would likely get me slapped.

"The famous athlete graces us with his presence," Landon, one of our friends, says holding out his arms before he turns to Thalia. "No offense, Thalia."

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll try not to take too much offense."

"You're my famous athlete," Atlas tells her, kissing her head, and we all make noises of disgust as Atlas flips us off. "Let's get this boat out of here. There will be plenty of time to make those noises all day."

Between Atlas and me, we take the ropes off the docks before jumping back on and Landon drives us out of the harbor. Once we are out, everyone spreads around the boat, talking with music playing in the background.

Heading to the back of the boat, I take the seat next to Thalia, leaning back resting my right foot over my left knee.

"Itching to get back to the tour?" Thalia asks, nodding to my knee that I am bouncing, and I chuckle, stopping.

"You know how it is, throughout the season we eat and breathe surfing, so any downtime is really hard to adapt to. You want to make sure you stay in the mindset all throughout the tour," I explain to her and she nods her head.

Although Thalia is no longer on the circuit, it's always still nice to talk to her about things other people couldn't understand about being a professional surfer.

"Well, your flight tomorrow will come before you know it," she says and I nod my head as my gaze travels over to where Gabi stands talking to some of our other friends, Millie and Emma.

"I feel like winning the world title will not be the hardest thing this year," I hum and she chuckles. "Any advice? Although I know Gabi like the back of my hand, it's been a long time."

Thalia purses her lips as she taps her fingers against her leg. "Just don't push her, it will only make her pull further away."

"How are you feeling about coming to the California event in a few months?" I ask curiously. It will be the first time Atlas and my grandmother are coming out to see my surf but it will also be the first time Thalia has gone back anywhere near the professional surfing life since she left for good.

Point Break | Sandy Cove Series #2Where stories live. Discover now