Family Shattered part 1 ch 13

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"Family Shattered part 1 ch 13"
At The Courthouse- Lorenzo/Ava/ Julian trial- Skye and the girls were there and Ric and Alexis and her daughters Nina and AJ and Nikolas and Ned and Tea and TJ and Gia Campbell who were Lorenzo and Julian and Ava's lawyer. Lorenzo stood up. "On the charge of Money laundering and gun trafficking and drug smuggling, how do you plead "The Judge ask "Not Guilty sir "Lorenzo said he sit down as Ava was asking the same questions."Not Guilty "Ava said and sit down as Julian got up and ask the same question."Not Guilty "Julian said and he sit down.

"Ms.Delago, Are you ready for opening statements "The Judge ask "Yes You honor, "Tea said "Alright let's hear it," The Judge said "You're honoring the three of them are criminals, and have broken the law, and are responsible for an innocent woman killed at there club "The Katherine "Yes they didn't pull the trigger but one of their enemies did all of them have blood on their hands and we are asking for ten to twenty years in prison, our town will be safe with them lock up" Tea said

"Ms.Campbell," The Judge asks "I'm ready, My client is innocent to prove guilty that's how the law works, yes, sadly, a young lawyer is gone but none of them killed her and they are being set up for all these charges, the victim is the mayor daughter he could have set them up! Gia yelled and Ric was upset and got up."You're an honor! Ric said "I sustained that last statement, I know what it's like to lose a child but my clients are not responsible for Molly's death," Gia said

"Do either of you have witnesses to call? "The Judge ask "Yes you're honor "Tea said "Yes Your honor "Gia said "Ms.Delago go ahead "The Judge said "I call Alana Alcazar to the stand "Tea said Lorenzo was upset and trying to keep cool. Alana walked up and got sworn in.

Copyright by Skye's The limit

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