Family Shattered part 1 ch 27

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"Family Shattered part 1 ch 27"
At The Courthouse- Lorenzo was in his cell when Skye came by and looked at him ."Skye, Thank you for what you didn't say on the stand" I did it for our daughters, I want this to end all the danger but I know if you go to jail another mob boss will take you, "Skye said "Yes and I know who want too" Lorenzo said Skye went closer to Lorenzo and he whispered in her ear."That's what I thought too "Skye tell the girls I love them and I don't want them to come back to trial I don't want them to see me like this "Alright I will try my best" If I do go to prison the girls will be taken care of" That's not what they need "Skye said

Alana was on the docks walking she was feeling a little dizzy and sitting down the trial was getting to her as Alistair came by."Alana, Are you okay "Alistair asks as he sits down by her."My father's trial was today "Oh, How was it" I have a feeling he will go to prison, I had ups and downs with him and I don't want him to go to jail "We all love our parents no matter what "Alistair said "Yes" Alana said she felt dizzy again."Alana" I've been getting dizzy spells" Do you need any medicine "Yes it's at the house I should go home "I'll walk you home," Alistair said "You don't have to" I want to"

At The Police station-the interrogation room Mac was questioned by Luis."So you and you're men started shouting at The Katherine and an innocent woman died" Mac said "I'm not going to talk without my lawyer "

In the hallway- Ric was looking at the evidence when Alexis came by," Ric, Where is he? I want to see the man who killed our daughter! His father is responsible for the death of my sister! Alexis yelled "Alexis, I get you're response but we have to make sure this case is followed by the law so he will be prosecuted, "Ric said "I know you're right I just hate this" Me too"

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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