Family Shattered part 1 ch 40

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"Family Shattered part.1 ch. 40"
Alexis-Alexis was sitting on the couch thinking about when she was pregnant with Sam not knowing she was carrying twins when there was a knock on the door she opened. It was Kevin who was carrying a box."Kevin, Why are you here? What's in the box" Alexis asked "It's Livvie's belongings I thought you should have it" Kevin said "Come in" Alexis said "Thanks, I just want to apologize for all this "Kevin said "You didn't know that Rachel team up with Victor to take my daughter "Alexis said "No but Rachel was insane and anger with me about the way I treated Grace that I believe Livvie was my daughter and when I came back here I never put it together that Livvie was Sam twin" Kevin said "You are a victim too, What was Livvie like "Alexis ask "She just wanted to be loved and wanted Rachel attention and accept and the same from me" Kevin said "Did Livvie ever find love" Yes with Caleb he was a rock singer with his issues "Kevin said "I can relate to that it's not easy loving someone "No it's not, well I should go," Kevin said "Thanks for this stuff of Livvie, I'll give it back to you "No keep it, if you need anything call me" Kevin said "I will "Alexis said Kevin left.

Rae-Rae was having some tea when Skye came in."Sorry I just let myself in "You're welcome here, Do you want some tea" Rae asked "You may need something stronger after what I need to tell you "Skye said "What is it" Rae asked "Lorenzo is dead his jet when down" Skye said she decided not to tell Rae the truth she didn't trust that she would keep the secret."I'm sorry Skye, I know you loved him but maybe this is for the best "Rae said "The danger isn't gone just because his gone" Skye said

At Jackie's office- Jackie finished up her story about Lorenzo's death and looked at the headlines.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Shattered part 1Where stories live. Discover now