Family Shattered part 1 ch 1

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"Family Shattered part 1 ch 1"
At Alan's Hotel-The Pool area- Skye was there with the girls she was trying to make her daughters feel better as they were laying on the chair in their bathing suits when Nina came by with Avery who was a teenager."Skye, Alana, Lila Rae" Nina said "Nina, Avery I hope you have a nice time here," Skye said "Yes we will, Avery go get yourself something to drink," Nina said Avery left."So you're watching her while Ava is in this legal mess "Skye said "Yes she was going to be my stepdaughter anyway "Nina said "Yes" Skye said "I should go check on Avery" Nina said she left.

Avery was by the bar getting a pop when Carly and Donna came by," Avery, You're all grown up" Carly said "Carly, Donna "Avery said as Nina came by," Carly, Donna "Nina said "You're with Nina" Carly ask "Yes, I'm watching her right now" Nina said "I don't think so" Carly said "You don't have a say, Ava is her mother, Now Avery let's go get a chair" Nina said they left as Skye came by."Carly, I need to talk to you "Skye said "Donna go get yourself a drink "Carly said Donna left," Why are you here? You are not welcome here just Donna "Skye said "Michael invited me, "Carly said as Michael and Wiley, and Amelia came by."Skye, Is there a problem? I invited my mother here "Michael ask "Already we could all use some fun today "Skye said "Yes we could "Michael said

Lila Rae and Alana were sitting on a lounge chair reading a magazine when a teenager from Alana's school came by."Alana, Why are you having fun today? Aren't you worrying about your father going to jail for Money Laundering and Drug Smuggling, Who knows how many people he killed? "She ask as Alana got up?"Leave my father alone! You don't want to mess with my family, believe me," Alana ask as Skye came by," Is everything okay "Skye ask "Yes" Alana said as the girl left."I know today isn't good to be easy but I want you both to have a relaxing day before the trial starts "Skye said

Copyright by Skye's The limit

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