Family Shattered part 1 ch 31

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"Family Shattered part 1 ch 31"
At The Courthouse- Lorenzo/ Julian/Ava trial -Skye and Alana and Lila Rae and Alexis and Sam and Kristina and Lucas and AJ and Ned and Tea and Anna and Nora and Gia and Scotty were there and Jackie was covering the trial for the news.

Ava was talking to Gia away from Lorenzo and Julian."We need to talk" Ava said as Scotty came by," Scotty, I'm talking to my client "No, Scotty is our lawyer, You are Lorenzo's lawyer and he will be representing us now'" Ava said "Alright, I understand "Gia said she went to talk to Lorenzo."The deal has been negotiated and it's all set" Scotty said

Lorenzo was worrying about Ava talking to Scotty."What's going on" I don't know, "Gia said as the judge came in," You're honor, We have negotiations on a deal between Ava and Julian Jerome that we would like to take" Nora said "What is that "The Judge ask "A year in jail with probation "Nora said Lorenzo was upset that Ava and Julian betrayed him" I agree with the deal" The Judge said "We would like to charge Lorenzo with murder of his brother  we have new evidence that Lorenzo killed his brother Tomas Delgado "Nora said "Show me the evidence "The Judge said as a man came in."You're honor this is my case now, Lorenzo Alcazar is now in the custody of the CIA, I'm Agent Smith "The man said he showed the Judge his ID and Lorenzo looked at him he knew what was going on."Well, you do have a theory to have Lorenzo in your custody" The Judge said "You're honor "Nora said "Case is dismissed "The Judge said "You honor, What about my client? Ava and Julian "Scotty said

Lorenzo went into the hallway with the CIA agent as Blair came by."You will not get away with killing Tomas and passing off as him anymore "Blair said "Looks like I did" Lorenzo said as Skye ,Alana ,Lila Rae and Dex came by."Can we talk to our father alone" Lila Rae asked "Yes, We can go into a room "The Agent said "Skye, You need to change how you pick men "You too" Skye said

In a room- Lorenzo was talking to his daughters and Dex," Daddy, What does this mean now? Where will you go" Lila Rae asked "I'm not sure but it's better than jail I'll be safe, Dex I want you to stay in the house and both of you girls are welcome too, Skye, "Lorenzo said he didn't know what to say to Skye."Daddy "Alana said she felt dizzy again and fainted."Alana! Skye yelled she tried to wake her up."Go get help" Lorenzo said

In the hallway-Alexis was upset about the case as Skye came by and everyone was in the hallway."Skye asked if everything was okay "No, Alana fainted she needs medication help, "Skye said "We will call for help 'My phone died," Skye said Aj pulled out his phone and called for help.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Shattered part 1Where stories live. Discover now