Family Shattered part 1 ch 32

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"Family Shattered part 1 ch 32"
At The Courthouse -Lorenzo and Dex and Lila Rae were waiting for the ambulance as Alana failed and was on the ground and Skye was holding her hand.

Lorenzo went to talk to the agent."You saved me, Now what is the cost? I wouldn't be away from my children too long anymore "You have a new assignment you work for us the CIA You belong to us" The Agent said as the paramedics came in.'Our daughter failed she had a head injury not too long ago in a car accident "Skye said the paramedics put Alana on the stretcher."I'm going to the hospital with my family "Lorenzo said "No you're not, Say goodbye now" The Agent said "Daddy can't come with us "Lila Rae said "No, You're father a complicated man and he works for us "The Agent said "I love you all and this is better then jail, I want the best medicine attention for my daughter "She will get it to let's go" The Agent said they all left the room.

Lorenzo was in the hallway with the agent as Alexis came by."You should be in jail for what happened to Molly" Alexis said "My nephew Luis killed Molly and I'm paying by never seeing my family again "You're children are better off without you" Alexis said

At General Hospital-Robin and Patrick were by the nurse station when the ambulance came in with Alana."What do we have here" She failed and hadn't woken up yet" The paramedics said "No, This isn't good she just had a brain injury, "Patrick said as Skye AJ and Lila Rae came by."Skye, How long as the dizzy spells been going on "It started yesterday "You should have brought her in right away, Alana had an accident that damaged some of her brain it needs to be taken seriously "Patrick said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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