Family Shattered part 1 ch 28

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"Family Shattered part 1 ch 28"
At Alan's Hotel- Brooklyn and Jr were in a room getting dressed from making love."I should have been at court today supposed Skye and the girls "Brooklyn said "It's okay that you took the day off and spent the day with me" I know but I'm close to Alana it's hard watched a parent on trial "I'm sure it is" Yes, I should go" Brooklyn said "I'll walk you out "Jr said "I have been enjoying being with you" Me too" Jr said as they left the room.

At Kristina- Kristina was at home feeling sad about Molly and looked at a picture of her as Christy came in," Kristina, Are you okay "Not this trial has got to me and they arrested the man who was the shooter "Who was it" Lorenzo nephew Luis, he wanted the territory that's what it will always be alike! Lorenzo killed my father for it and now Luis is trying to kill him but hits Molly "Kristina said Christy comforted Kristina

At Alan's Hotel-Jackie was in her offices working on the article about the trial when Skye came by," Jackie, We need to talk about the studio I want you to have a talk show" About what" It can be anything "I want to have one cover trial and the justice system "Alright we could do that" I want to cover Lorenzo trial"

At The Police station- Ava was in her cell when Scotty came by," Why are you here" To help you I can make a deal for you and Julian if you turn you're back on Lorenzo "Scotty "Think about your daughter "If Julian does it I'll do it"

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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