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Third person Pov

"Mom why he coming over here?" Ethan asks his mother who smiled. "Cause it's very important that you two grow a strong bond" queen osama says making Ethan frown and cross his arms. "Ethan and darrian sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g" David sings making Ethan gag. "I'd rather poke my eyes out than kiss him" Ethan says before Darrian's car pulled up making Ethan's stomach turn.

"Their here!" Queen osama says going over to acknowledge the other queen while darrian refused to get out of the car. "Come on son don't want to leave yo friend waiting" queen dot says and as soon as darrian heard those words he wanted to throw up his breakfast Ethan was not his friend. Darrian slowly got out the car and was dragged over to Ethan who was frowning with his arms crossed.

"Go in Ethan say hi" queen osama tells him making Ethan groan. "Hi" Ethan says and darrian fake smiles. Darrian knew his time here would be torture and he wanted nothing more than to hop back in the car and drive as far away from here as possible not wanting to be near the other boy. "Say hi back" queen dot says.

"Hi" Darrian says in a irritated tone. Everyone was aware that Ethan and darrian were going to be wedded in the future but the queens decided not to tell the boys until they were in their teens cause at this age they wouldn't truly understand or would get upset and get all dramatic. The boys already hated that from this moment on they would have to spend every summer together.

The boys looked at each other with mug looks already knowing how this summer was going to go.

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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