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*the boys are now eighteen*

Third person Pov

After the kiss and the waffle breakfast the two had weirdly grown closer. The two would go out together almost every day, talk on the phone, visit each others houses and they even rented themselves a cabin and spent Christmas together there. "So your finally on board with the marriage?" David asks and Ethan scoffs. "Please I'm still not down with this" Ethan says.

"Mhm sure just be prepared to lose the bet" David says and jay laughs. "Come on confess all the lovey dovey activity between you two lately we know the marriage is coming and next week mom is having a big ball so you two can announce if your getting married or not" jay says and Ethan frowns hating this whole thing.

The thing is he wasn't sure if he wanted to go through with the proposal or not simply because him and darrian had just started becoming close and he didn't want to rush things. He wanted things to happen naturally he wanted to propose to darrian on his own terms in a romantic way when the time was right.

He was also still confused on his feelings and wasn't sure if he loved darrian or just simply really liked him. He spent a part of his life hating the other male with every fiber of his being but now that hate was blossoming into something else. Later that night everyone in town had arrived for the big ball.

Darrian stared into the mirror loving his outfit and let the necklace Ethan gave him shine under the light. "You ready for tonight?" George asks with a warm smile. "I guess" darrian says before being escorted to the ball room. His heart races the moment he and Ethan locked eyes.

Everyone's eyes were on them but they didn't care at the moment all that mattered was each other. The two of course danced to the music holding each other close. Everyone in the room faded away it was just them. "You really do never take that off" Ethan says referring to the necklace. "It's very special to me" darrian says honestly.

The two stared deep into each others eyes holding each other close and tight never wanting to let each other go. It was right in that moment that Ethan realized how he truly felt. "So we're supposed to be announcing the marriage tonight huh?" Darrian asks and Ethan nods. "Yeah" Ethan says still unsure on whether he should arrange it or not.

Ethan looked away from darrian and the saw someone with a gun aiming right for them. Once the first shot rang out Ethan moved darrian out of the way and everyone starting screaming and running with the guards trying to catch the shooter. Sadly Ethan had gotten hit and darrian was applying pressure to his wound.

So for this book I didn't want it to be like the movie and honestly I felt like there was no real development in their enemies to lovers story so die I do a good job at developing their relationship

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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