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Third person Pov

The car ride was going by so slowly for the boys and between their mothers chatting and them wanting to throw the other out the car they were ready to go. "Mom it's been a long day I'm ready to go rest" Darrian says. Soon the car pulled up back to the castle and Ethan groaned when his mother gave him a look letting him know to open the door.

Ethan went over to the other side of the car and opened the door. Darrian got out of the car but not before quickly kicking Ethan and walking off with an innocent smile acting like nothing happened. Ethan groaned debating on if he should swing back but it would be no use so he just went on inside not the mood for nonsense.

"I'm just saying maybe if you took the time to get to know darrian instead of fighting this wedding wouldn't be such a bad thing" Jay says and Ethan gagged. "Ion care ion gotta get to know him to know he's a spoiled brat and plus me and him when it's time are both offing this marriage" Ethan says and David shook his head.

"If you ruin this arrangement mom and the town will never forgive you that's what happened to jstar when he declined the thrown to be a painter in Italy" David says and Ethan groaned. "Nothing you two say is going to change my mind and I'm the prince they'll have no choice but to forgive me unless they wanna go to the dungeon" Ethan says.

Darrian meanwhile was in his room reading a book. Sure darrian had an endless supply of electronics but somedays it was nice to unplug and read a nice book currently he was reading a book about forbidden love. He always thought the plot line was cliche but yet so interesting to people madly in love but sadly can't be together.

He'd take that over this wacky arrangement he's already told his mother she's wasting her time he will not fall in love with Ethan Reyes and that was a promise.

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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