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Third person Pov

"Come on darrian this breakfast is very important think of it like a first date" queen dot says and darrian glared at her. "Mom i don't want to think of it as a date ion even wanna think of it as an outing with a friends I hate Ethan and you know this plus he hates me to" darrian says looking in the mirror at the fancy clothes he was forced to wear.

"Oh son hate means love" queen dot says making darrian frown. "That makes no sense" darrian says before he was being dragged outside to the car where Ethan was waiting for him. The whole drive to the restaurant was awkward the two didn't wanna speak to each other knowing they would argue.

Ethan looked over at darrian hating himself for thinking he looked kinda good. Darrian caught him and glared at him and Ethan knew where this was going but before an argument could start they found themselves at the restaurant. They both sighed before exiting the vehicle.

The breakfast was delicious no cap but they really wished it would have been just breakfast and not both kingdoms plus their parents hoping this would be the start of a romance that would combine the kingdoms. Darrian went back home sat in his bed, grabbed Oreo and began to read a story.

Darrian then heard the door open and saw Ethan coming in and groaned. "What do you need?" Darrian asks and Ethan sighed. "Nothing I was actually going to ask you about that book that you can't seem to stop reading" Ethan says. "Oh it's a book about forbidden love" darrian says.

"Oh alright" Ethan says before smirking once he saw Oreo. "You seriously are to old to be sleeping with that" Ethan says. "You shouldn't be up in my business but here you is" darrian says with a fake smile and Ethan rolled his eyes. "Whatever" Ethan says before taking a book off Darrian's shelf to read and darrian was to tired to argue.

Opinions on Ethan & Darrian's relationship so far?

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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