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Third person Pov

Darrian sat on the bed holding Oreo trying his best not to cry. He just couldn't get the image of Ethan bleeding on the ballroom floor out of his head and his blood all over his hands. Ethan had been rushed to the doctor and now all darrian could do was sit back and wait for an update luckily the guards had caught the shooter.

"Darrian I know what happened tonight was scary but it's over now" George says with Jordan on the room behind him. "No this won't be over until I know Ethan's ok" darrian says and the guards nod in understanding. "I'm sure he's just fine" Jordan says and darrian smiles sadly. "He better be he can't leave  right when I realize-" darrian says before stopping himself.

Darrians eyes widened and his heart was beating fast as he thought about everything. "Realized what?" Jordan asks and darrian smiles. "That I love him I love Ethan Reyes" darrian says. He had been in love with him since Christmas but now he was fully realizing it. "You couldn't" George says teasingly and Jordan laughed.

"Looks like it's off to the dungeon" Jordan says making darrian playfully roll his eyes. "Yeah yeah but seriously everything better be ok" darrian says. Later that night they all got the news Ethan was alright.

Only two more chapters

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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