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Third person Pov

Darrian was packing his bags ready to go home. He grabbed his bear and let out a sigh thinking about everything. Every time a summer ended it reminded him that they were getting closer and closer to the point where they'd have to make a decision about the marriage. He knew him and Ethan both wanted to say no but he was afraid of the backlash.

"You good?"ethan asks walking in seeing darrian with a look as if he were deep in thought. "Yeah I'm fine just thinking about things I gotta do once I get home" Darrian says while putting oreo down not wanting to tell him what was really going on. "Alright then well I guess I'll be seeing you and Oreo again next summer" Ethan says.

"Actually you'll be seeing me at Christmas to our moms want us to spend a holiday together to make it feel like we're already married" Darrian says. "They really want this to happen huh?" Ethan asks and darrian nodded. "Yes I guess they do" darrian says with a frown.

"But in the end it's up to us so we don't have to" Ethan says and darrian sighs. "Yeah I guess" Darrian says. The two then ended up staring deep into each others eyes to the point where they felt like they could see each others souls. They found themselves getting dangerously close.

"Darrian" Ethan says almost like a whisper and almost hesitant. Soon before they could drop themselves they ended up kissing each other sweetly with their hearts racing. They both however quickly pulled away when they realized what had just happened.

"Why'd you kiss me?" Darrian asks and Ethan straight faced him. "What!?! You kissed me" Ethan says and darrian frowned. Darrian had just had his first kiss with Ethan Reyes his enemy snd future 'fiancé'. "Ugh it don't matter who kissed who it shouldn't have happened" darrian says even though he liked it.

They both did but couldn't confess. "Whatever I hate you" Ethan says walking out. "I hate you to!" Darrian yells back with a eye roll,

Remember after this chapter they'll be seventeen which is a year old before their able to make a decision about the marriage

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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