You Can't Save Them All

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Hope's Dream World

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Hope's Dream World

Hope was stood at the top of the grand staircase. Children's laughter filled her ears as she looked around. She then started to descend down the stairs where she saw a row of little girls stood side by side. "But when the arrow finds him, a new hero dies A new hero rises, and he will take flight But when the arrow finds him, a new hero dies A new hero rises And he will take flight But when the arrow finds him A new hero dies A new hero rises..." The little girls recited over and over again. "Stop Saying that." Hope told the girls as she watched them all join hands and circle around her. Then, they all stopped and pointed at Hope's hand. Hope raised her hand and saw she was holding a golden arrow.

"A new hero rises but can be felled by the golden arrow." The Sphinx's voice said. The little girls then disappeared and Hope saw Landon laying on the staircase. "Landon." Hope said as she dropped the arrow and rushed over to him. Landon had a wound on his stomach and was bleeding out. "Hope." A voice said. Hope looked behind her and saw Josie stood in the middle of the room. Her hair and eyes pitch black. "We're not alone." Josie's voice echoed through the room.

Real world

Hope woke up and saw she was at Dr. Saltzman's desk, the pieces of the ascendant all laying across the wooden surface. Hope sighed as she picked up one of the bigger pieces. She examined it for a moment before sighing in frustration and placing it back down. In Landon' room, Aaron watched as Landon tried to figure out how he managed to fly last night. Apparently whilst everyone was asleep, Landon jumped off the roof and managed to fly. Aaron sipped on his coffee in a dazed state as he stared off into space. The door then opened and Hope walked in. "Oh, what's all this?" Hope asked, looking at the massive board Landon made over night. "Oh. I couldn't sleep. And I was just up all night trying to figure out how I was able to fly. Or, you know, float." Landon explained.

Hope then saw the bandage around his wrist. "Oh, my God. Tell me you didn't." Hope said. "Oh, it's just from the top of the garage. I had to see if I could make myself do it again. 'Cause the current working theory is the spike of adrenaline from jumping off the roof caused something to happen, but so far-" Landon rambled but Aaron cut him off. "Hey. What's wrong?" Aaron asked Hope, walking over to her after seeing her expression. "I had a dream last night that Landon were hurt and I-I couldn't save him." Hope revealed. "It's the prophecy, right? Look, just because I hovered off the ground once doesn't mean that I'm the hero who rises. It could be Wade, for all we know. He's the one with actual wings." Landon said.

"No, Dorian said that there is a golden arrow in the inventory of our stolen arsenal. What if it is the one thing that can kill a phoenix?" Hope retorted. "Then you'll Superwoman in and save the day, like you always do." Landon said. "Except I'm pretty much failing as a hero lately. I have no idea how to bring the Saltzmans back." Hope said frustrated. "Hey." Aaron said, cupping Hope's cheek, causing her to look up at him. "You will figure it out. We will figure it out. Together. Take some of the weight off your shoulders and give it over to me. You don't have to do this alone." Aaron told Hope gently. "If I could just talk to them, - Dr. Saltzman would know what to-" Hope said but was cut off.

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