Chapter 1: I'm Back!

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Birmingham City, 13:45 

Day 1: (Monday)

Jake's POV:                                                                          

Man, it's been 8 years

8 years since I have moved out of Rosemeadow, 8 years since I haven't been kept contact, 8 years I have been missing them for a while.

But now it's time to go back, I got my flight ticket already and I'm ready to go. Then, I heard my brother Milo calling me behind my closed door. "Hey grumpyyy, time to go!"

"Alright! I'll will!" I sigh from Milo calling me grumpy too much lately, even thought he just turn 20 this year but I'll still loved him, I quickly grab my luggage which are fill with clothes and pants, my backpack also fill with clothes but with my passport, money and accessories.

I turn off my room light before walking downstairs, seeing Milo and my mom talking to someone outside, turns out it was my taxi driver.

He saw me and wave at me. "Hi there, are you ready yet?" I quickly tell him back. "Almost, I just need to talk to my mom for a bit." He gives me a thumbs up then excuse himself to leave from my mom.

I go down the stairs while carrying my backpack on my back and the luggage on my hand, my mom looked at me with a confuse look. "Are you really gonna wear that to travel?" I looked at myself, I was wearing a gray shirt with two swords logo on it and a pair of ripped jeans. "What? I don't see any problem with it." She sigh then point me at the door. "You gotta go right? The flight it's at 9:45 AM you know." 

I look at the clock above my doorway, turns out it was 9:30 AM already. "Shoot! I will be late." I quickly go out the door then run to my taxi, I open the door then putting my luggage in it.

I then feel something at my stomach. "I will miss you, remember to call me right after you land ok?" Turns out it was Milo, I then turn around then hug him back. "I will, but promise me you will do good in college while I am gone?" He nodded but with an annoyed look on his face. "I know I know."

"Oh wait, can you tell Bethany I said hi if you meet her?" Milo said, I turn around and looked at him before give him a nod. "Sure, why not?" Milo looks happy for a bit.

I got in the taxi, wave at my brother and mom again before my driver drove away to the airport. "Maybe I should check my messages." I pulled out my phone, unlock it and scrolling through Twitter.

I wish I can check the US version of Twitter, the UK Twitter sucks a bit. "Hey, we are here." I let out a small gasp then I look outside, we were outside the airport. "Oh thanks sir, I'll be going now."

I quickly grab my luggage then drop it on the ground, I pocket my phone before going out. "Thanks for the ride." I said with thankfulness. "No problem, good luck with your travel."

I nodded before waving goodbye to the driver, I walked in the airport but before I could react, an announcement just started. "Attention to flight England, UK to Rosemeadow City, US will be delayed by 15 minutes due to inconvenience of the plane, thank you for listening."

I let out a small frustration sigh before going to the terminal, saw a few hundred people are also have the same fate as me before sitting on the ground, waiting for the flight to be ready.

As minutes passes which felt like hours, I keep thinking of the club and how I miss them. "I wonder if they will forgive me for leaving all suddenly, I think they won't tho, I don't blame them anyway."

While I was thinking, a guy shook me by the shoulder. "Hey, the flight is starting, you should get in." I turn around, turns out it was one of the flight attendants, I thanked him before they checked my ticket and I got in my flight.

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