Chapter 2: The Discovery

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Day 2: (Tuesday)

Jake's POV:

As my eyes slowly open, i could heard a voice behind me. "Oh Jake! Looks like you finally awake." Turns out it was Daisy, she was in the kitchen making breakfast for me. "Oh hey Daisy." i said with a groggy voice.

I then sit on the couch, shaking my head a bit then i stand up, stretching my arms and legs and cracking my bag as well. "Hey Daisy, where's the bathroom?" i said while stretching. "It's on the left, 2 doors down." she said happily.

I go down the hallways, it was a bit dark due to no sunlight but it didn't mind me that much. I quickly find the bathroom and got in, it was pretty nice for a bathroom. "Oh right, i forgot to get my toothbrush and paste." i sigh before going back to grab it.

When i walk back to the living room and my backpack, i see Daisy placing breakfast on the table at the dining room. "Oh Jake, that was a quick bathroom routine." I then tell her that i forgot my toothbrush and paste. "Oh ok, but anyways when you are done you can have breakfast here." i nodded before going back to the bathroom.

After 5 minutes, i got out of the bathroom then i walk to the dining room. I saw Daisy standing near the window, sipping something from a cup which i assume was coffee. I then pull the chair from the table and sit down. "Thanks Daisy, this all looks delicious."

She giggled from my compliment before thanking me, she made me bacon and eggs and it was amazing. Daisy then sit down beside me, still holding the cup of coffee. "So tell me, what are your plans for the surprise?" she had a look of curious in her eyes.

"Oh right i haven't talk to you about it. So here's the plan..." I then finish my little speech before Daisy hug me. "Aww Jake, that's a very nice surprise gift for them." I chuckle a bit, then i heard a noise.

"Hey Daisy, i'm home!" Daisy quickly tell me to hide in the kitchen and i knew what she was planning, she quickly go up the front door to open it. "Hey Love, welcome back!" I did peeked around the corner and saw a guy with black hair, wearing a black shirt with an coat and a dark grey pants as well.

I can see him turn around and hugging Daisy, then i can see him clearly. "Oh, it's Sean!" I yell in my mind, i just know what to do now.

While Sean was hugging Daisy, i slowly but surely walk behind Sean and immediately tackle hug him which spook him out. "Hey man, how you been?" i yell at him, i then leave the hug and Sean turn around, his face was shocked when he see me. "JAKE??"

"Of course it's me." I chuckled a bit until Sean tackled hug me. "Oh my god! I can't believe it, you came back!" He hug me a bit tightly. "I know Sean but can you?" Sean sees me in this position and then immediately leave the hug but he put my hands on my shoulder.

"This is great news, i gotta tell everyone about this!" when he was about to grab his phone, i quickly yell at him. "Wait! Stop!" he looked at me confuse. "What do you mean? Why don't you want me telling everyone?" Daisy then tell the whole story, about my surprise plan and where i want to surprise it which made Sean put his phone down.

"Ok, i understand." I let out a small sigh. "So to continue, Sean since you are here, you mind helping me and Daisy planning it?" Sean looks happy from my question. "Yeah sure, i would love to." i cheer in excitement.

Timeskip: Afternoon, 7PM

Jake's POV:

I was at Daisy and Sean house for the whole morning and early afternoon, we were discussing about the plan a lot and also enjoy lots of tasty foods from Daisy, me and Sean also catch up with news and we even play video games a lot.

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