Chapter 5: Coincidences

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In front of Sean and Daisy house, 11:20

Jake's POV:

As I watch Sean and Daisy car drove away to have lunch with the club, I can't stop thinking about Hailey and the others. "Besides Hailey, I do miss Milly and Luke a lot." I thought about it for a bit while walking out of the neighborhood down to Rosy Street, "Milly is kinda of a sister for me, a chaotic one tho." I laugh in my thoughts.

"And Luke is like a older brother for me, he's supportive and caring with anyone around him and always help others when he can." I said in my minds, then I heard a loud noise which snap me out of my thoughts, I look to saw multiple cars driving across the road, blazing with a lot of horn noises and drivers yelling in their car. "Jeez, traffic jam are the worst." I said out loud.

I quickly walk out of the traffic jam and went to Rosy Street which is closer than I thought, it had cafes and a few shops, some of the shops are clothing and some of the outfit on displays catch my attention as I walk past them, but one catch my attention the most. "A tan jacket with blue and white stripes and black trousers?" I asked myself.

"Those looks nice, I kinda like that style." I said to myself, thinking of entering the shop. "Wait, I completely forgot what was my original plan is!" I hit my forehead from my bad decision. "Ugh, what was I gonna do anyway?" I asked myself, I stood there thought about it for a minute, then it hit me. "Oh right, I have to find Lia!"

Flashback: Back at the House, 11:15

Jake's POV: 

After waking up Sean in his bed, I then waited for them in the living room finishing their stuff. It was a bit boring so I then pulled out my phone and scroll on X for a bit, while doing so, something came up on my mind. "Wait, Hailey and the club are famous right?" I asked myself. "I wonder if they are on here?" I said while typing

I then type on the search bar. <H-a-i-l> When I just type the first part of Hailey's name, there was a immediately verified X account below the search. "Hailey Austin?" I asked myself, "I guess it's the right one." I clicked on it to see Hailey's X account and what I see surprise me.

"Woah! 2 Mill Follows?!" I shout out loud from the discovery. "2 Mil what Jake?" I heard Daisy asked me, I look up to see Daisy staring at down the hall. "Oh nothing! It's just I search up Hailey on X." I answered with reassuring. "Oh ok, were you surprise by the amount of followers she had?" Daisy asked me which I nodded in response.

"She is famous after all." Daisy said. "I know, it's just..." I can't think of an excuse. "Well anyways, me and Sean are gonna have lunch with the club today, you okay having lunch elsewhere?" Daisy asked me. "Oh don't worry Daisy, I'm gonna have lunch at a cafe anyway." I said to Daisy to make her less worried. "Oh ok, do you need extra money?" Daisy asked.

"No thanks, I'm all good." I answered. "Alright then, do whatever you do then." Daisy said while turning around to the hallway, then something pops up in my mind. "Wait!" I shout which caught Daisy attention, "What it is Jake?" Daisy turns around, wondering why I shout at her. "I was wondering if you know where Lia is?" I asked.

"Lia? What for?" Daisy asked, curiously. "Nothing much, I just want to met her again, that's all." I said to Daisy. "Uh ok then? But I don't know if she work there tho." Daisy said. "What do you mean?" I asked, wondering what Daisy mean by it. "Well, I know she work at a cafe in Rosy Street but it's been a while since I last saw her." Daisy said to me.

I thought about it for a sec. "You know which cafe she work at?" I asked. "Of course I know, it's named Maria Little Cafe." Daisy said with confidence. "Oh thanks Daisy, I can find Lia there." I said to Daisy. "No problem Jake." Daisy said. "What are you guys talking about?" Me and Daisy both heard someone asked from behind.

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