Chapter 3: Eye Contact

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1 hour before the show. 

Hailey's POV:

I stopped scrolling through emails from multiple stage contractors after a while, slopping down my back into my soft chair while letting out a small sigh. I played around my blueberry hair for a bit, putting my fingers rub it down slowly.

Glancing at my phone, i grab it and scroll through messages. Then i accidentally click on photos, there i saw a photo of the club while we were still in high school, and the picture included a person i'll still remember, Jake.

As i saw him in the picture, i could feel my face heating up a bit but at the same time, i can feel my heart breaking apart. 'Why Jake, why you left all suddenly?" I just have thoughts about him every now and then, like he's stuck in my mind.

"Hey Hailey!" i heard Zander shout for me downstairs, which spook me for a sec. "Yeah! What is it?" i shout back to answer. "Get ready quickly! We gotta perform tonight remember?"  When i heard the word perform, i immediately remember.

"Oh right! Ok i'll be quick!" I quickly put my phone down on the table and then go change into my performance outfit, i usually wear a black dress and a black or purple jacket with the logo of the band in it, but today i decide to wear a white jacket instead.  "That should do it." i said to myself.

I then grab my phone from the table and quickly run down the stairs to see Zander and Luke are already there, waiting for me. "Hi Hailey!" Luke said, i waved back at him. "Finally, what took you so long?" Zander asked. "It's not that long Zander." i replied. "Whatever, let's go then." he said.

Then, i saw my dad and mom and cooking something in the fancy kitchen, "Hey Dad, what are you cooking?" I asked him, he then turn around with a smile on his face. "I'm just baking some of my muffins, dear." he said. "Yeah, well we gonna have a performance tonight, and we may or may not can't have one tonight." I let out a small sigh.

"It's fine dear, you can have it for breakfast if you like." Dad reassures me, "Okay Dad." i replied. "Hey Hailey, you coming or what?" I heard Zander asked behind the front door. "Coming!" I shout to response. "I gotta go Dad, i'll see you later." He nodded and i immediately run to the front door.

I run out of the house to see Zander waiting for me and Luke already went in our band bus. "What were you doing?" Zander asked. "Nothing, i just talk to Dad." I see Zander let out a small sigh, "What's wrong with you tonight?" i asked which caught Zander attention. "Not really, i'm just very tired from last night." he replied while yawning a bit. 

"I just want to finish this sooner." He said. "Well, i'm sure we can get it over soon." I said which Zander nodded, he then walk to the bus and i also quickly follow him to the bus as well.

 As i step in, i saw Milly on one of the beds at the back of the bus doing something on her phone. "Hey Milly, what cha doing?" i shout on the front of the bus which caught her attention. "Hey Hailey! Nothing much, really. I'm just playing Gacha Impact." she shout back to answer.

"Okay, that's cool i guess." i let out a small giggle, then i sit down on the sofa which is comfy like always. I saw Luke helping Zander to walk down the bus to our bus bunk beds, i guess he is very tired. "I have nothing to do, guess i can sleep for a bit." I talk in my mind.

I put my head down on the sofa cushion and slowly doze off on the comfy sofa while our driver drove us to our show tonight.

Timeskip: 25 minutes before the show.

Hailey's POV:

"Hey Hailey, wake up." I heard someone whisper. "H-huh?" I let out a small noise from my grogginess. "We are here, get up." I then sit up on the couch, rubbing my head for a bit before looking up to see that it was Milly who woke me up.

Music On The Stage (The Music Freaks: Famous Band AU)Where stories live. Discover now