Chapter 8: One Of Many

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At Hailey's house, 12:50

Sean's POV:

"It's a bit devastating that only 100 people will get a chance to get in the application." I thought about it while my dear Wife is also mind-thinking as well. "What should we do hun? We need to find a way to get Jake in!" Snow really hits me with what she said. "I know dear, but we need to think outside of the box here, there are millions of people that wanted to be in and to see us, do you think Jake would get chosen easily?!" I said to Snow.

Snow were speechless but she understands what I meant, we both look at each other and no words were spoken in what felt like an hour. "Uhm guys, I don't want to interrupt yall moment but what's going on?" A voice broke our silence, we both look on our left and see Hailey just staring at us, she look very confused. 

"Oh uh nothing, we were just having a staring contest, that's all!" I said quickly to whatever I can think of. "Oh ok." Hailey replied, then she continues to watch the movie. "Wanna go outside?" I said to Snow, then she nodded in response. Both of us then got out of the theater room quietly, "Hopefully the others don't know we are gone." I think at the back of my head.

Me and Snow walk through the hallway a bit without talking, then I decided to broke the silence. "So, what should we do?" I asked Snow, Snow look at me with a disappointed look on her face. "I don't know, I'm having blank thoughts now." Snow said while rubbing her forehead. "Take it easy, we will figure this out together." I said to comfort Snow which made her smiles a bit.

Me and Snow then spend the rest of the afternoon with the club and tried to find ideas on how to get Jake in the audition.

On the streets, 12:30

Jake's POV:

"Ok I am confused." I talk to myself while wondering where I am right now. "I guess I am lost." I said to myself, I then look around my surroundings to see maybe I can remember where I am going. "So I walk to this, behind me is the intersection but now I'm like in a surburban area." I said, then I look at the corners to see something familiar. "Wait, isn't that Rosemeadow Park over there?" I said in my thoughts, I then quickly rush my way to the park.

After rumbling through the pathways, I then made it to the park. "Ok, let's see if there is something familiar that I can remember." I look around the park a bit more, trying not to be a weirdo by the people nearby. "Damm, I don't see anything familiar except the concert that Hailey and the others have perform last night."I said to myself, thinking about them, especially Hailey while walking.

Then I heard a noise, more like a music noise. "Huh, did I heard a guitar playing?" I look around then on my right, there was a street performance opposite the park. "Oh? A music perfomance huh?" I said to myself, curious about the performance. I can see that the performance caught the attentions of the people since people keep coming out of nowhere, managing a small crowd. 

The performance plays a song that I have never heard before, and it has some of the best lyrics I have ear heard. "Oh damm that is a very good line! And with the bass-drum combos, it sounds perfect." Their perfomance really caught my attention and my music nerd mode active, I then swiftly moved my way to the performance.

I then moved roughly from the small crowd and got the front seat, I can see clearly the performers, it was a trio with a singer, a drummer and a bassist. I then immediately know that they are covering songs and not singing originals since I can see that they take requests for 5 dollars. "Aw, I thought they were singing their ideas, they have potentials." I sigh disappointedly, then I heard a voice coming from the speaker. "Oy, you there!" The voice said.

I look around to see who they are talking about. "You, the guy with the peach hair." The voice, now I know is the singer of the trio. "Huh, me?" I was surprised, pointing at myself to the singer. "Yes you, come up here." The singer said while nodding, "Uhm, why me tho?" I asked myself while walking up to the singer. "I see what you lookin at, you wanna sing?" The singer said to me while putting their hands on my shoulder.

Music On The Stage (The Music Freaks: Famous Band AU)Where stories live. Discover now