Chapter 4: New Plans

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After the show, 8:30PM.

Jake's POV:

"Incredible!" I said out loud while standing up and cheered with Bethany and other guests after Hailey and the group perform their last song for tonight. "Bethany, why didn't you tell me?" I asked her while still applauding. "It's a secret." Bethany answered me which made me very curious to why she didn't tell me about this.

"Thank you for coming!" Hailey said confidently into the mic. Then I swear Hailey make eye contacts with me again, after they have left the stage and went behind their cover, me and Bethany decided to go out of the concert, we then grab all of our belongings and Bethany grab steal some snacks before we go.

After we got out of the concert, me and Bethany decide to walk to the park. I then remember that i have to contact Sean to pick me up from the park, "I don't have Sean's contact." I said in my mind. "Maybe Bethany have?"

"Hey Bethany." I asked her, she looked at me. "Hmm?" she let out a small squeal. "Do you by any chance have Sean's contact?" I asked, "Which Sean?" she asked which made me wonder how many Sean does she know. "The music Sean?" I answer.

"Ohh, yeah i do but what for?" she said. "Well, I kinda need Sean to drove me home." I let out a worried giggle. "Alright then, give me your phone." She asked, I then give her my phone and she then type something on my phone, "Here." she said while giving me my phone back.

I grab my phone from her, "Thanks." I said, then i check my contacts to see Sean's number on it, i then called him. The phone was ringing for a few seconds before i feel a buzz on my phone and a voice. "Hello?"

"Oh hey Sean, it's me Jake." I answered. "Oh sup Jake, you need something?" Sean asked. "Yeah, can you pick me up at the same place?" I said. "Sure, i'll be right there in 10 minutes." He answered. "Nice, i'll be waiting." I answered, then I hug up.

Me and Bethany walk for a bit until we have arrived at the park. "Well, i guess this is goodbye then." Bethany said, "I guess it is." I said sadly. "I think I see you next time, Jake." Bethany said, we all said goodbye to each other before Bethany walk away back to her home.

I sit down on a park bench and put down my stuff on the bench, still waiting for Sean. "This is such an amazing tonight." I said to myself, I let out a small sigh. "I still can't believe that Hailey and the others are the famous band I am watching." I thought about it for a while. "I wonder why Bethany didn't tell me, it's not like i tell her about my secret plan anyway." I said in my thoughts.

I then heard a car horn, "Yo Jake!" I look for the source of the voice to see Sean and Daisy in their car, "Get in!" Sean said out loud, I nodded in response then I quickly grab my stuff and get in the car. "You have fun?" Daisy asked, "Yeah it was exciting!" I said out loud.

"Now i know why Sean didn't tell me about his current job." I said to them with a joke voice which made Sean giggled. "Hehe, yeah sorry man." Sean answered. "But were you surprise that Hailey is the person you are gonna watch?" Daisy asked me suddenly.

"I g-guess so," I stuttered while answered, I can feel my cheeks burning up a bit. "Oooooooo~ Someone's blushing~" Daisy said which made Sean surprise when he heard that. "You like Hailey?!" Sean asked me. "Y-yeah." I answered, i could feel my face redder when i thought about her.

"I wonder why i never see it." Sean asked himself, then Daisy told him about when did she started to notice my actions toward Hailey sometimes. "That's interesting." Sean said which made Daisy giggled. "Of course it is you dummy." Daisy said to Sean.

While they are goofing around at the front seats, I just laid back down into the soft car chair and close my eyes a bit but i didn't sleep, I just thought about what to do tomorrow since i am free anyway. "Maybe I could visit another old friend, I am free for most of tomorrow anyway." I said in my thoughts.

Music On The Stage (The Music Freaks: Famous Band AU)Where stories live. Discover now