Chapter 9: An Old Friend

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At Hailey's house, 8:40 PM

Sean's POV:

"Bye Michael and Shannon, we see you guys around!" Snow said, cutely saying goodbyes to Hailey's parent. "Bye guys, good night." I waved while also saying goodbye, they both nodded and waved at us back. "Be safe you two!" Shannon shout at us, reassure us about our safety. "We'll be fine." I shout back, waving at them for the last time before me and Snow are now at outside Hailey's house.

Me and Snow walk our way to the driveway and there's my car that I parked, which was my dad's car that I inherited from him when he passed way 3 years ago, it felt like he's still here with me whenever I drive his car, especially with my dear wifey. "Should we go anywhere else before we go home?" I asked Snow, thinking that we still have some time left.

"You know that I am tired right?" Snow said, yawning from tiredness. "Oh? But you didn't tell me?" I asked, not remembering Snow ever said to me about her being exhausted for today nor tonight. "Maybe I was too tired, sorry..." Snow said, holding the word 'sorry' for a bit. "I like how you are being grumpy whenever you are tired." I said as I open the door for Daisy to get in the car. "Sit in the back, you can lay down." I ask Snow to take a nap in the car.

Snow didn't answer my question but rather, she just jump in the car and lay down face first. "Hey now, remember to breathe." I jokingly said about not suffocating by the chair. "I know, just drive us home." Snow said, the voice is mumbled because of her mouth is on the chair. I closed the door and go to open my driver door, I then get in and started the car with my key. "Lay tight." I said to Snow, I heard she mumbles an 'Mhm' to me.

I look behind me to drive the car out of Hailey's driveway and into the road, I turn the steering wheel to the left a bit which perfectly aligns the car a straight line from the driveway to the road. "That should do." I thought, I slowly back the car out of the driveway while looking at the front and felt the backwheels falling down into the road, then the whole car itself falls down. "Alright, let's go home now." I said outloud, waiting a replied from Snow but didn't hear anything.

I look behind me again to see if she's sleeping, and there Snow sleeping on the sideways position, probably the most comfortable position. "She looks adorable when she sleeps." I think in my thoughts as I look at the face features, but I remember that we are on the road and quickly turn  back my eyes onto the road, I then finally started to drive back to our home.

While I was driving, the inside of the car felt very quiet except me and Snow heavy breathing. "I think it's ok to turn on music a bit." I think, I turn on the radio while holding my left arm on the steering wheel, as the radio got turned on, voices from channel 7 started to come in. "8:49 on channel 7, as you know there are quite a lot of popular songs back in the day, right Ashley?" The radio said, I assume it was 2 speakers talking about popular music during the 2000's and 2010's

"Well Noah, one of the songs I remember back in the early 2010's was a song called What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club, It was one of the first 2010's song I have heard and it is one of my favorite songs, should we hear it?" The female speaker named Ashley said to the other person, male speaker Noah. "We sure can, let's run it up guys!" Noah said loud to the mic, then the music started playing.

There was some sort of beats then a drum beats, then piano other intrusments from what I hear, then the lyrics started to come in.

"In a few weeks I will get time
To realize it's right before my eyes"

"And I can take it if it's what I want to do"

"And I am leaving and this is starting to feel like
It's right before my eyes"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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