Chapter 6: Looking For You

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On Rosy Street, 10:35

Jake's POV:

I walk on the pavement to finally see a Maria Little Cafe location, I then walk to it and open the door to enter, inside was a bit crowded since it's near lunch rush but that doesn't bother me that much, I scout the cafe for a few seconds until I saw a staff member nearby, I walk up to him. "Hey, could I ask you something?" I asked nicely, the staff heard and turn around to face me. "Of course sir, what do you need?" The staff asked.

"I'm wondering if there's a Lia that works here?" I asked him, "Lia? I don't think there's any Lia here." He said to me, "Oh ok, thanks." I thanked him, I let out a small sigh of frustration before turning around and get out of the cafe. "Wait!" I heard the staff shout to me. "Huh, what?" I asked him, wondering why he stop me. "I think there's a Lia that works at the Mall location." He said to me.

"Really?" I asked just to make sure. "I think so." He said. "Thanks for the help, you don't know how much it means to me." I thanked him again, "It's no big deal." He said, I then turn around again and walk out of the cafe. "Alright, now I know where to go." I said to myself, I then started my walk to Rosemeadow Mall since it's the only mall here.

On my journey, I see a few interesting thing for the new Rosemeadow, there's now a lot of things to do here, new places and even popular brands have their own franchise and locations here as well, "I wish I was here." I said to myself. I then saw a hotdog stand at the corner of my eyes. and right I just saw it, my stomach makes a rumbling sounds that is very loud.

"Oh, I completely forgot that I am hungry, but I planned to eat with Lia at her workplace anyway." I said, but I keep thinking of the hotdog and it's taking over my mind. "Ugh, I guess one would be fine." I said to myself, disappointed by my actions when I walk to the stand. "Hey, could I have one?" I said to the seller.

"Of course, ketchup and mustard?" He said while he grab the hotdog and put it in the bun near him, "Yes please." I said, he quickly grab his ketchup and mustard bottles and squirt it on the hotdog, I then grab my wallet in my pocket and pull out a 5$. "Here, just keep the change." I give to him, he accepts it and took the hotdog from him.

I started to walk away from the hotdog stand and eating it while journey my way to the mall. "This is tasty, as I expected." I said to myself with my mouth full of food, "Hmm, it shouldn't be this far right?" I said in my thoughts, I was confuse by the places for a bit, "Oh wait, there's a sign up there, maybe it could help me." I said while looking up to read the sign that was above me.

I then read it to understand that it's a road sign, "Zoe Street, I think that's the road where the mall is." I came to the conclusion, "Ok, just need to get past this very terrible traffic." I said to myself, I then waited for the red light to turn green, after a few seconds it switch. "Finally." I said out loud, I then walk to the other side with other people.

I then arrived at Zoe Street, I started my walk to the mall which is about 4 to 5 minutes, as I walk I saw a few nice cars that are parked nearby, "A Lamborghini? Looks like the city is more rich than I thought." I said to myself, after a few minutes of walking, the thing that hit in my face is the absolute huge of the Rosemeadow Mall.

"Oh my god! It's so much larger and wider than I remember!" I said out loud, I couldn't believe that the city upgrade it even thought the old one looks decent enough, I quickly sprint to the mall main entrance, the double glass door automatically open. I then walk inside and it was popping then I can remember.

I then get to the lobby to see that the mall now have an underground floors and five floors mall. "This is crazy!" I said to myself, I am still in shocked but I got my mind out of the gutter and remember my main point of coming here, Lia.

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