Chapter 7: The Announcement

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At Hailey's Private Studio, 12:00.

Daisy's POV: 

"I don't know how ok?! She just said that she saw someone that looks like Jake a lot to her and she is confuse and stress about it." I said to Sean quickly which he picks up quickly. "Ok ok, I get it. Let's just get over the day and I talk to her about it ok?" Sean said to me, "Alright then hun." I said back to him.

He then give me a small kiss on my forehead which made me blush a bit. "All right Sean, we have to practice remember?" We both heard Hailey said behind us, we then turn around to face her and nodded in response, Sean quickly run to his DJ stands and I then run out of the room for them to practice.

After I close the door behind me, I thought about what to do while waiting for them to practice. "Maybe I could talk with Jake for a bit, I'm curious what he's doing now." I said to myself, "Hit it guys!" I heard Hailey said behind me from the door. 

I then heard a bunch of instruments, beats and guitar noises playing with Hailey singing but I can't make out of the words due to the room being soundproofs but they do look like they are in the vibe. I look at Sean through the window, he was playing and bopping his head to the muffled beat. "Aww, he look so adorable when he does that." I said to myself.

I then let them do their music and went back upstairs into Hailey's living room, I immediately lied face down on the couch and it was very soft and comfy. "Ahhh, Hailey's couch is always soft." I said with a muffled voice, I then turn myself around and grab my phone from my pocket. "Alright, time to face time Jake." 

At the mall, 12:00.

Jake's POV:

"Bye Lia!" I waved at Lia while she walk out to the parking lot. "Bye Jake, I'll see you tomorrow!" Lia said back to me, waved back at me while she was opening her car door to get in, I smiled at her for a sec before standing there, don't know what to do since I am quite free.

"Hmm, what should I do now?" I asked myself, thinking about what activity to do, then I heard a buzzing noise on my right pocket. "Huh? Who's calling me?" I said to self, I then pull out the phone and to see who's calling me. "Uhh, I can't see properly!" I said, the sun was shining at my phone which made it hard to see.

I then decide to quickly run to the mall where inside it's quite cool and had no sunlight, after I enter the mall from the automatic double glass doors, I check again to see the person that's calling me. "Daisy?" I said, I didn't question anything to wonder why she called me at this time so I click the green button to answer her. 

Then her face start to show up on my phones and my phone cam also turn on, I didn't notice that it was a video call. "Hey Jake, whatcha doin?" she said with a funny voice, "Hey Daisy! Nothin much really, I just said goodbye to Lia cause she got to go home." I said to her, "Oh ok then, that's nice to hear." She said.

"So uhm, what are you doing now Daisy?" I asked, curious on why she is laying on some cushions. "Oh, I'm at Hailey's. The club are practicing after having lunch." She said to me which then made me remember the encounter with Hailey. "Hailey? Oh right, that makes me remember something." I said out loud.

"What is it Jake?" Daisy asked, her tone sounds more curious. "Well, I might or might not saw Hailey at the mall today." I break the news to Daisy which made her a bit shocked. "Oh my god! Did she see you?" she asked. "I don't think so cus I'll did get out of there as soon as I saw her." I said to her, she did let out a sigh of relief. "That was close tho, be careful next will ya?" She said to me with caution.

"I know Daisy, it won't happen again. I promise." I said while letting out a small grin, Daisy look more happier when I promise it. After that asides, me and Daisy talk for a bit about other stuff, Daisy talk to me about the club-now band activities and Hailey while I talked about mostly what I do while hanging out with Lia in the mall.

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