The man that sells truths

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 "I will give all of you your graded tests back now."

The teacher gives everyone their finished test papers from last week back.

Some students sigh, others are happy. Secretly praying I turn the page and look at my grade.

I see I did good again, I know it's been going great lately, but you can never be too sure.

The bell rings and with that announcing the long awaited end of a long and boring school day. Most people rush out of the classroom, while others take more time to organize their stuff and talk with each other about the weekend.

As I inspect the returned test for things that I can do better next time, Becca suddenly slams her bag on the table next to me.

"Hi Ash, I know you're, oh-so-busy with your school work. Buuuuuuuut, I would like it if our dear childhood friend would accompany us to do something fun."

Peter appears next to her with a hopeful smile on his face.

I shrug, these two... always like that. I smile back: "Sure I still have some time."

"Yay!" Becca and Peter give each other a high five, like they just won something.

I haven't spent as much time with them lately, so this might be the perfect time to spend some time together again.

I wonder where they want to take me, but knowing them it might be one of those urban legend locations. Becca specifically has been more and more into the occult lately and Peter just follows her around.

We put our books in our bags and leave the classroom through the loud and crowded hallways. Walk might not be the right word, it's more like taking a step, accidently bump into someone, apologize (or not) and repeat.

When we are at a spot that's a bit quieter I ask: "So, what's the plan?".

"Becca found a really fun urban legend. C'mon Bec, tell him."

"Ever heard of the man that sells truths?"

"Another urban legend investigation?"

"Dude, just answer with yes or no."

I shrug: "No, never heard of it."

As we leave the building Becca starts telling us the story: "So there is this man, he's a bit strange. He always carries a very old tome and is dressed like some really old magician. Like stoneage type of old." She looks proud of herself.

"I'm pretty sure they didn't have those back then."

"Oh, don't be such a killjoy Ash."

"Okay, okay, sorry. Please continue."

Becca continues with Peter watching her with full content. "So this man sells truths. Meaning he makes people's wishes come true. Everyone can make one wish, it does have to be a bit realistic. So no wishing for more wishes. But of course, nothing comes for free, so he will take a small part of your lifespan. Most of the time it's a year."

"Yes and you can find him in or around places with almost no to no other people." Peter quickly explains.

Becca seems excited: "Jenny told me that she saw him!"

"Jenny almost always tells nothing short of bullshit, she isn't a reliable source of information.

Peter's face becomes serious: "This time, it seemed pretty legit."

"So..." I ask: "Did she make a pact with this prehistorian?"

"No, she got scared and left."

"Still sounds like bull, but sure let's go. I don't really want to go home yet anyway."

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