When death visits

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It's calm and quiet in my house.

So quiet has it never been before.

The silence is scaring me, making me feel all cold inside.

It makes me feel so lonely, even though it hasn't been so long since the last guest left.

I'm all alone in this giant mansion, I've tried everything, but escape seems to be impossible for me.

I'm stuck in the main hall.

I have tried every door, even upstairs. But to no avail, I guess I'm just stuck here until someone finds me.

Although, not every guest is a welcome one, of course.

After a while of trying everything that I could possibly do, including breaking down doors or walls (this failed horribly), I finally gave up.

So I took a seat on the stairs, in the middle of the big hall.

Fortunately I still have the candles giving me light, outside it is pitch black.

It is strange, even outside it seems to be quiet.

I have lived in this building my whole life and there has always been at least some sounds, like the creaking of old planks or the trees brushing against each other outside. But today it is different.

No sound, not a single noise. There is only silence.

Even though I live with more than just myself, no one seems to be here.

Something is very wrong here.

I close my eyes and start praying.

I am not even religious, but I really don't know what else I should do. Fortunately it helps me calm down a bit.

When I close my eyes, I feel as one with the house.

I can feel the rooms almost like they are my own limbs, I can feel everything inside, but there is no other living being. Not even the spiders in the cellar or the cat in the kitchen.

While in this praying state, I look in each and every room, looking for something or someone that could be useful to helping me escape this nightmare.

I am so used to this house, that I know every little crook and cranny like no one else.

I look at my bedroom, I look at the bathrooms, the old ballroom and yet I can't seem to notice anything outside.

All the doors are locked.

All of a sudden a strong wind from outside blows against the house, making it creak like never before and then the rain starts.

At first tapping softly, but changing rapidly in a storm. All this causes the chandelier to swing gently from right to left.

Shocked by the sudden explosion of sound, I bury my head in my hands.

How long has it been silent? I wonder.

How long have I been sitting here? On the stairs, doing nothing in the middle of this empty building?

And so I sit here silently, until I get used to all the sounds again, calming myself with empty thoughts.

I just listen.

I just listen to the wind and to the house.

To the heavy rain and the ancient wood.

To the chandelier moving.

At first I thought it was lightning, but now I know that is not what it sounds like.

It is a window. A window that shattered. The sounds of broken shards, flying across a dark, empty room.

Something is inside...

Something broke the glass...

It broke something, I couldn't.

Again I close my eyes and start praying, I can feel something moving around in the house.

It is not human. Nor is it an animal.

With every cold step it takes, my terror grows. I freeze up, unable to move.


A door slams open.

It didn't even need to touch the knob.

The invader leaves the path behind itself filled with cold, oh it is so cold...

It breaks, whatever is in its way.

I can feel my heart racing.


The other sound of a door screaming in pain while being broken and trampled.

The steps keep getting closer.

I can feel it.

I know everything about this place.

All the blood in my body turns to ice.


The loud noise is followed by a soft, almost unhearable thud of the falling lock.

I can't believe it, it just ripped it off the door completely.

Again without touching.

Why is this happening to me?

I squeeze my eyes shut. I don't want to see.

Another awful sound and I protect my ears with my hands.

No more, please no more!!

I don't want to hear it, I don't want to see it, I don't want to feel it...

But it doesn't matter, I can still feel every step it takes.

Getting closer and closer, in an inhuman speed.

I start to wonder if it is really walking, it might as well be floating.

Then it enters the great hall.

The room I'm in.

A cool wind blows out the candles, leaving me almost in complete darkness. The only light is that of the outside.

I don't want to look, I don't want to know.

Please don't make me!

Now the entire house has cooled down and the only slightly warm thing is my own breath, which is also cooling down rapidly.

It has stopped walking for a bit.

Determent I keep my eyes shut, holding my breath, acting like I am not there.

Maybe it won't see me.

Maybe it won't come for me.

But no, it is here for me and only me.

A cold, bony hand wraps itself around my shoulders, making me as cold as the house itself. As cold as it.

I still refuse to look, I don't want to see whatever nightmare is looking at me like I'm its friend.

The tears of fear on my cheeks have become ice crystals.

Death is here.

And it is here for me. 

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