Dying dream, dying nightmare

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A deep dark scarlet fluid drips down from my hands.

Slowly creating a dark pool beneath me.

I curse the pain as I try to stop the bleeding even if it might be futile.

Am I dying?

I quickly bash away the fearful thought.

There's no way.

It had been quick.

A loud bang had pushed me onto the ground.

My ears were ringing.

Did I get shot?

I probably have been.

The blood makes my uniform look darker.

I had been in pursuit of someone.

Someone bad... or at least I was told so.

I tried to talk to him, but instead I had gotten a bullet in my stomach.

My shooter must have been scared out of his mind.

I try to stand up, using the wall for support, which I really need.

After the blow, my colleague had rushed after the culprit, leaving me alone.

I tried radioing the others at the station, but I think my walkie is dead.

As I lean against the wall, the foul smell around me hits me again.


I'm in the old sewer system... I think?

I take a few steps, but end up slipping, falling face forward.

"Goddammit... Come on, move..." I whisper to myself out of breath.

I have to make sure my partner is okay.

Slowly I crawl up again and notice a cat walking by.

For some reason this cat seems out of place.

It looks much healthier than the ones that you usually find in here.

So clean too.

Hmmm... now that I think about it the darkness doesn't seem to affect the cat at all.

A hallucination?

I look at the small creature and it greets me kindly with a 'meow'.

I look away, my priority is finding 'them' after all.

Somehow I'm able to stumble my way back onto my feet again.

I have to get going.

I have to get to them.

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