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"If you had the chance to talk to a ghost, would you?" Nina asks me out of the blue.

"Wait, what? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

Dan leans against my shoulder: "If you wanna talk to ghosts, that's what she asked."

I laugh awkwardly: "I don't know, won't it be a bit scary."

"So you won't?"

"Well..." I hesitate for a moment: "There is somewhere I would like to check, I mean if it really was possible."

Both my friends look at me with an odd smile, they must be up to something.

"What did you guys do this time?" I ask.

Nina smiles at me: "You know how I am such a fan of all of those ghost hunting shows?"

"Yeah, you force me to watch them with you."

"Well I got a spirit box for my birthday!"

I look at her a bit confused: "Aren't those things, like, super pricey?"

"Nah, my dad found one on a discount and got it for me with the help of some other family members."

So it still must not have been that cheap.

"Cool, have you tried it out already?" I ask.

She shakes her head: "No, I don't really know any places that are haunted."

"And I told her some of the stories about your basement." Dan adds.

Right, my basement. Even thinking about it makes me feel cold.

I have asked my parents to get a priest before, but they don't believe in the paranormal.

But I'm sure, no I'm certain, that something is down there.

"Alright, I will ask if my parents are okay with it."

Dan and Nina look happy and we head over to my home after school's finished.

When I ask my parents, they don't seem to care.

"If you go down there, would you mind cleaning up some of the spider webs as well?" My mother asks me.

Honestly I hate spiders, but for now, I will do so. I won't be alone down there after all.

"Alright, we can go down as long as we also clean the spiderwebs."

"Gross." Dan says, but Nina seems ecstatic: "Yay! Now we can finally talk to a ghost!" even clapping her hands together as she speaks.

Carefully I open the door to the basement, I can't help it, but to feel a little scared.

Should we really do this?

Is it really safe?

"I will go first!" Nina smiles, taking the lead.

I'm thankful she did, she is definitely the most fearless from the three of us.

She turns on her flashlight and walks without a single moment of hesitation down the dark stairs.

Dan follows next and I go last.

The first thing I notice is that it is very cold.

Clouds form from my mouth every time I breathe.

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