Gone in the Labyrinth

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Important note: I've co-written this story with my little sister and this story has two protagonists:)


The red leaves crunch underneath my feet, telling me that winter is not as far off as expected. Mom, dad, Alice and I went into the labyrinth today. We decided to go our own path, "Bye mom! Bye dad!"

As I run the other way, taking turns left and right, I end up getting lost. I look around yet everything seems the same. I am not afraid, I will find mom and dad again.

I walk straight and something weird happens, the walls started stretching on further. Step by step, it gets longer and longer.

Suddenly I hear more crunching of leaves behind me, the sound is not mine.

I turn around to look, but as I do, it gets all dark.


It's late, darkness has covered the land faster than during summer. Winter is approaching rather quickly and just like time is moving at the same speed.

One last check in the mirror to see if I look okay for my first day of the job. Or rather, night of the job.

From tonight onward I will be working as a nightguard at a labyrinth.

They said even a student could do it, so here I am. I really need this job to pay for school, food and other living expenses. I just don't want to keep relying on my parents to pay everything for me anymore.

I close my car door and go into the small building next to the labyrinth.

An older man sits inside with an eyepatch over one of his eyes. He looks a bit like a lost pirate, but really, he is actually really nice. His name is Walter and he owns the labyrinth, because of his old age he wanted someone younger to come and help him.

"Ah, there you are!"

"Good evening sir."

"Ya, know ya can just call me Walter."


Not knowing what to do I end up fidgeting with the sleave of my jacket.

"Oh, Damian, don't be scared. I don't bite too hard." He laughs loudly at his own joke.

"Ah, W-Walter, What would you like me to do?"

He smiles kindly at me: "Just watch the screens for me a bit, there might still be some lost prankers inside. I will patrol for a bit, the walkie is over there if ya need my help quick."

He points his wrinkled hand toward the computer screens and of course the walkie.

"Alright, anything else?"

"Nope, that's all kid."

I walk towards the computers.

"See ya, kid!"

"See ya... uh later, I guess."

Laughing loudly he leaves the building.


As I open my eyes I see that it has already gotten dark and I am not in the place where I fell asleep. Why would I fall asleep all so sudden, am I sick?

My head hurts.

It hurts really bad.



Where is Alice?

Alice was here just a moment ago!

Did she wander off on her own? Or did someone take her?

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