A story about nothing

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Slowly the sun starts to shine its light into the world.

Normally this would be greeted by the sounds of birds, yet now there is only silence.

No chirping.

No talking.

Not even the sound of driving vehicles.

Only complete and utter silence.

The sun shines through the window of a quiet house.

You should now be able to see the objects owned by the people who long left this building.

Some pieces of clothing lay carelessly over the sofa, some toys are scattered over the carpet and an empty dog bed seems to await layer after layer of dust.

The only thing that's moving inside is a small robot, cleaning the squeaky clean floor, forever repeating the whole process of cleaning, never stopping, perhaps only when it's battery is empty.

As the sun creeps up a little further, you can hear an alarm coming from upstairs.

But no one seems to turn it off and thus it continues.

It goes louder and louder, until it finally stops itself; perhaps it had finally given up.

Now the tv turns itself on, going to the channel on which the news normally should have been and yet, only a few colored stripes appear on it.

"Dinner is ready!" A voice calls out, one far from human.

It's digital, it's soulless, it's empty, it's meaningless.

All of it.

As the sun climbs further into the sky, shining through the nicely kept trees, an office building appears.

The front door is broken, it opens and closes without anyone or anything getting close to its censors.

It seems to find it rather difficult as well, groaning louder with each opening and closing.

But of course it doesn't feel that, it just seems that way.


Inside the empty building, the coffee machine has spilled coffee all over the floor, but even so it doesn't stop. You shouldn't blame it, it can't help itself.

The printer prints the same page again and again and again and again.

Like it needs to do so or else it would be shut down never to be used again. Though that might be the case.

A supermarket.

A soft tune can be heard through the shop.

The lights are on, but one of them flickers, creating a small space in which it's sometimes dark.

The zooming of the cooling is also audible, even though there is no one inside, the drinks are still being kept cold.

As you leave the building you can see grass growing between the cracks in the asphalt.

A school appears.

It doesn't have nearly as many books as the older ones, but it does have some.

All the classrooms are clean and orderly, except for one.

It looks like something happened here, objects have been thrown around and there is a broken window from which sometimes a cool breeze enters.

The few workbooks there are and tablets are cluttered around, it also seems that not every desk has a chair.

It's very strange to see all of these places so empty.

No human, no creature can be seen or heard.

The sun starts to slowly descend again and you visit a small playground.

It's empty and abandoned like the rest, though it has been longer than any of the previous places.

Plants have started to grow around it, claiming it as their own.

Rust has been taking over the swings, making them creak with every small gust of wind.

And thus the story about nothing concludes...

But can a story about nothing really have an end?

Or does it go on and on without stop? 

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