Angel wings

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Warning: This story contains self-harm

Many people dream of having wings to fly, wings to soar through the endless sky and travel to unknown places.

For me that dream is but a partial truth of my current reality.

Wings stand for freedom, but mine have taken every last bit of that.

These wings, sewn on. Meant for only the proudest of creatures, now belonged to me.

They had sown them inside my skin, through my muscles, through my bones.

In all truth they feel heavy and painful. I can barely move them.

Perhaps they don't belong to me at all, but I belong to the people keeping me here.

These wings of mine make me feel embarrassed, I want to hide them, I want to tuck them away.

I want them gone.

But I'm not allowed.

Because this cage I'm living in, the owners, my owners, like to experiment with their pets.

Once I was like them in sense of freedom, though I didn't abuse it as much as them.

I remember my owners' awe when they had finally finished sewing these massive heaps of meat and feathers into my bare back. They told me that I looked like an angel, they told me I looked holy, they told me that I had become a symbol of freedom.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I never asked to be any of those things, instead of giving me anything they only seem to take.

My energy.

My health.

My faith in humanity and the world.

My hopes and my dreams.

I do what they tell me to do.

I do everything they order me to.

But I don't want to anymore.

I want to go back to how I was before.

Back when I was more human than they have ever been.

For such a long time I have complied with each and everything they told me, they shouldn't suspect a thing.

As I sit on the bed of my cell, I take out the glass shard I've been hiding for a long time.

I hid it since the fight this morning, one of the other captives, one with a tail, tried to escape by breaking the glass.

The other had been successful in breaking it, but not in escaping.

As our captives were busy with the other, I sneaked closer to them and silently took the shard and hid it in the uniform I'm wearing.

I look at the shard, it reflects my head just a little, but enough to show my beyond tired face and worn out body.

I take a deep breath.

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