The school project

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All the groups made by the teacher go to sit together, talking all the while, almost like when class has already ended.

I too go to the group I will be making this project with.

I'm glad to be in a good class, everyone seems to be getting along well even if we don't talk everyday or have the same hobbies or even clothing style.

The project we've been given is to make a movie and really the only rules are to speak proper English and have at least 15 minutes of footage.

When the teacher had told us about it, I could feel my heart jump, Finally!

It's my dream to do something with film making and the role of director does seem the coolest to me.

I just hope the others are okay to have me as a leader.

I take a seat next to Riley who is fiddling with a piece of paper.

"So, what kind of movie should we make?" I ask.

"Romance!" Silvy shouts holding her left hand up in the air as if to ask a question but immediately blurts it out anyway.

Adrien sighs while slumped over his table: "Please no..."

"But it would be nice!"

"You are going to have to pretend to date one of us during filming if you really want to." Riley cuts in, Silvy looks shocked. I guess she hadn't thought about that.

"Perhaps we should make an action movie, it might be pretty cool." Jess shares.

"Where are we going to get the stuff for things like that?" Adrien adds a sigh at the end again.

"Then what do you want it to be?" Jess looks annoyed at him.

Suddenly an idea enters my mind...

"What if we made a horror movie?"

The other four look up.

"Where will we even film something like that?"

"I know a place." Jess shares.

"You do? Adrien asks.

"Yes, there is an abandoned house at the end of my street. It has been overgrown by plants already, I really don't know a better place."

"I don't think breaking in is legal..." Riley half asks.

"Well actually I already know someone I can ask if we are allowed. My mom knows the person who owns the building."

I can't help myself and clap in my hands out of joy: "Can you please ask for us?"

Jess smiles and nods.

"I'm not really good with places like that..."

"That's okay Riley, maybe we can get the help of some of our parents or other family members. I'm sure they would like to."

"Can I take my older brother with me then?" Adrien asks.

"Sure why not?"

"Please don't... Jordan likes to scare people."

Before I can think of a solution Adrien answers our slightly frightened classmate: "I will tell him to go easy on you, besides I'm sure he would be too happy to help and maybe even scared to be thrown off."

I think we might actually be able to make this project!

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