Dear sister

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Dear sister,

It has really been a while since you passed.

And honestly I still find it really difficult to deal with it all alone.

I'm scared.

I'm really scared.

Not that I will be next, nor another.

I'm scared of living.

Of living with the rules for adults.

Those damned rules make me wonder sometimes if we really did pass the 19th century or not.

Work is difficult, school is difficult, every time I have to pay for something like taxes for living.

Is just breathing something that should be costing this much?

Well I know I do more than just breathing, but still...

In this time in which most people scream, my voice is but a whisper.

Dear sister,

Did you ever feel like this?

Can you even relate?

Have you ever had to do things like that?

Well, probably not, you were always so perfect.

Great grades, good friends and an even better reputation.

Dear sister,

How did you get so far in life like that?

Where did you get the energy from?

The energy to do all that work?

You know, I really look up to you.

Living can be really difficult, I guess everyone needs their heroes.

Well, maybe I'm the only one.

An anomaly.

An anomaly in this vast and crazy world.

Because you always seemed to handle it just fine.

Oh how good it must be to be in your shoes, to have everything and everyone.

To have no care in the world and do everything you feel like doing.

Sorry dear sister, I know thoughts like that are really embarrassing.

To idolize someone long gone and someone closer to myself than even me.

Dear sister,

Will you help me out of this mess I created?

I didn't feel like following the rules anymore, so I ruined it all.

This mess I created was to ignore the scary world around me, to get away from it all even if it was just a minute or even a second.

Dear sister, you understand, right?

Sometimes it feels like the world is trying to swallow me whole, it terrifies me.

It petrifies me, making me unable to move or move on from anything.

Have you ever felt like that dear sister?

Dear sister,

My friends have left me or perhaps I was the one to leave them.

Are you still my friend?

Or am I still just your shadow?

Will I live like that forever?

Dear sister, why won't you respond?

Dear sister,

Today I broke another rule.

Our sacred rule, remember?

Do you hate me now?

Because I can feel your glare.

It's cold, like the tips of your fingers when I last felt them.

As I played things like the elevator game, one man hide and seek and even bloody Mary.

I could feel that judging glare of yours following me every move.

Dear sister, is that you watching over me?

Nothing happened after playing them.

Perhaps all those games are nothing but a farce.

But at least it helped me feel closer to you.

Dear sister,

I went into your room today, it's still all there.

Not even dust seems to feel safe to settle itself in there.

I found your old diary.

I took it... and read it.

You surely must be furious, right?

I of all people decided to read your every secret and every thought you had written down.

And you know what I think?

Perhaps you weren't as much of a hero as I gave you credit.

You hurt people, not only by dying, but by living as well.

Really you should be ashamed.

I also found out about that secret game we made up, well maybe we never made it up.

Perhaps it's real...

It's one like those I wrote above, to make something happen, to perhaps not make it out alive.

I can finally truly feel why some people want to play those so badly.

Perhaps they too want to get away from it all.

Perhaps they also all need an escape.

But even those people were or are alone as well.

The chance of meeting is low.

The chance of helping each other out is low.

Dear sister, I played the game.

It wasn't as much fun as I had hoped it would.

I don't think we could have made up something like that.

The rules... they really aren't okay.

They really make things even worse.

Worse for the rest of my life, the time I played seems to have burned itself under my skin.

Always reminding me about this horrible mistake.

Dear sister,

Why do you hate me so much?

I just needed to feel good.

I just needed to feel alive.

I just needed to feel like I and my life mattered.

Dear sister, are you going to abandon me now?

Like you did before?

Dear sister, why do you say such things?

Dear sister, why do you have to be so mean?

Dear sister, you are a liar.

You told me you cared for me.

You told me you would protect me.

You told me you would be my sister forever!

I hate you.

Perhaps you really are no sister of mine.

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