Abandoned but not empty

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"Sorry son, but any more of you just can't fit."

As I look at the classmates of mine I went out to drink with, sitting in the taxi like a bunch of canned sardines, I accept my loss.

"It's alright, I'm pretty sure I saw a hostel in the village we just came from."

There is a hint of guilt in the poor driver's face. I feel bad for him too, having to drive a couple of my friends with him (who are mostly drunk by the way) and drive them for an hour or two back to campus.

I should have known that it was a bad idea to go with them. Their solutions to problems only help themselves anyways, I could have predicted this.

But we had a pretty good evening and not all of them are like that.

I just hope that the hostel still lets people stay at this hour or else, I will be in need of waiting for a bus that, if it arrives, I would need to wait at least six hours.

Probably noticing me frowning, the driver tells me about a good friend and colleague of his that might be able to come pick me up: "But he can be a bit slow so, it will still take a few hours."

Then he apologizes again.

"No thank you sir, I can find my way back, really."

Not convinced he sighs: "These friends of yours couldn't be any more different from yourself, but well... Fine, but call this number if you need my help, or at least let me know you survived and found somewhere to go. I won't be able to sleep at night knowing that I left you here on your own.

While speaking he scribbles a number on a piece of paper thorned from an old map and hands it to me.

I thank him and promise to give him a call.

As he steps into his vehicle, he calls out to me one last time: "Call me okay? Let me know if you're safe!"

I give a thumbs up and wave.

I will be fine...

I hope so at least.

It is already dark outside and it has started raining softly, I should really hurry back to the village and find a dry place to stay, even a bus stop would do.

'Hell, there might even be a church open. Some of them are open 24/7, so as long as I'm respectful I might be able to stay somewhere dry even if I can't sleep there.

As I walk back on the path my classmates and I came from earlier I notice a fork in the road, was that here before too?

I decide to go right, really unsure, but still telling myself that I am going the right way and that I'm going to be okay.

It starts pouring and I still have not arrived in the village, I haven't even seen any other light than that of my phone either.

Crap I must have taken the wrong path...

Trying not to panic I shine my flashlight around me, looking if I can see the old footsteps of my friends.

Then to my surprise I can see a building in the distance.

At first I can't make it out that well, so I get closer.

There is however something strange about it, there are no lights on inside the building.

Perhaps the people who live there are asleep? It is late after all...

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