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It was this weird feeling when I woke up. My stomach was growling inside, and I could taste bitterness around my throat.

Clutching at my lower abdomen, I raised myself from the bed, slowly keeping my feet on the floor. I winced in pain as I felt a burning in there. It was as if my insides were filled with some acid, and it was eating me from the inside.

Deciding it was now or never, I gave all my weight to the two poor legs, which went jelly as soon as I stood up straight. It didn't take long for me to kiss the floor aggressively.

I fell face flat on the floor.

Cursing at Joss for making me eat a ton of snacks the night before I walked to the washroom looking like a hunchback.. at least it made me a bit easy to move around. By the time I neared the sink, my whole body gave up, and I had to lean on it for support. Different coloured spots appeared in my vision. It.. wasn't normal.

I took one leap at the commode and put out all my dinner. Gripping at the seat, I made sure everything was out.. what a lovely morning~ I thought sarcastically.

Dizzily washing my face, brushing my teeth, and taking a wash, I didn't forget to clean around the washroom. Walking back to bed was way more painful with an empty stomach. Just as I reached my bed and flopped myself, my phone rang, and Bright's name appeared on the screen as the caller ID.

I quickly swiped it up and kept the phone to my ear. Groaning,

"Is this grandpa?" the alpha joked as soon as I finished groaning. I wasn't ready for jokes. It pissed me off with my state. I literally had no idea what was happening to my body. Yes, I was probably dying.

"Yes," I said, rolling my eyes though he couldn't see me.

"I was joking, babe. How's it going?" he asked in his usual sweet voice, and I blushed at the nickname as usual. I wanted to yell, saying, 'I am dead! Come and hug me!' but I couldn't be that bold.

"Good. Just morning sick or something." I whispered, caressing my burning stomach.

"I am coming right away," he announced.

"Hey, what? No need. Just a little uncomfortable... you don't have to come, okay? Some bed rest will do." I tried to avoid him any trouble but-...

"No. Do you have anything in your mind to eat? I'll get you whatever you want and blah blah blah." he blabbered like ten thousand words per minute, and I hummed for all.

"Aright! Just.. bring something, and let's binge-watch on Netflix?" I asked, switching on the TV in front of my bed and going to Netflix. He talked a bit more, and I replied with short answers looking for some new movie to watch with him later.

Just as the call ended, I slipped under the blanket and made myself comfortable. I decided to close my eyes and have some rest or maybe sleep a bit more, but.. something unusual.. yet familiar happened...

It was like some sharp thing stabbing at the right side of my lower abdomen. I winced in pain, twisting inside the blanket. My hand gripped my stomach, tugging at it lightly as if trying to cease the pain. But it didn't work. But something was.. new... it wasn't the pain but-

I was in my heat.

Out of nowhere.


Without a single symptom.. how?

I bit my lower lip attempting to toss myself around to get away from home. At least to run to the door and lock it so no one would come in. I wanted to make a run for it just as those times I did, but I couldn't move even an inch. Like something really heavy inside me was pulling me downwards. It pained me even to try.

Ever So Sweet | BrightWinWhere stories live. Discover now