Macon Georgia, August 2nd, 2010.
Shawn, wearing a backpack and holding a pistol, and Lee, holding a rifle, sneak through Macon and peek around a corner. Seeing that the coast is clear, they walk into the empty road.
Shawn: Looks like this is our lucky day.
Lee: Yeah, this might actually go smoothly.
Shawn: We deserve it after last time.
Lee looks inside a broken and partially boarded-up window into Tim's Tools & More, then moves on after presumably seeing it empty. Lee and Shawn keep walking.
Shawn: Hey lee, where do you come down on staying or going?
Lee: You mean packing up the motel and getting in the rv?
Shawn: Yeah.
Shawn: Kenny, been talking about it.
Shawn: And I think he's right, what about you?
Lee: We should go.
Lee:The motel's run its course, and it's not safe.
Shawn: I wonder when that rv will be fixed.
They reach the destroyed remains of Everett Pharmacy Drugstore.
Shawn: Okay, just like last time.
Shawn:Over the rig, into the pharmacy, and scrape together whatever supplies are left.
Lee: We didn't leave much in there.
Shawn: We're out of options.
Shawn: Something better be in there.
Shawn climbs up the ladder on the side of a truck near the pharmacy. As he reaches the top, one side of the ladder comes unattached.
Shawn: Crap!
Lee: You okay?
Shawn: The ladder's come loose.
Shawn:I'm not sure how many more trips it got.
Lee: I'm not sure how many more trips we've got in us.
Shawn: No kidding.
Lee: Hey.
Shawn: Yeah?
Lee: How are you doing?
Shawn: I'm okay.
Shawn:What about you?
Lee: Doing okay.
Shawn: So you coming up or what?
Lee: I am.
Lee grabs onto the bottom rung of the ladder, and the whole thing breaks off. Lee tosses it to the ground.
Lee: Looks like it had it.
Shawn: What now?
Lee: I'll find another way up.
Shawn: Okay, be careful down there.
Lee grabs the winch on the jeep and walks forward, pulling it along.
Shawn: Lilly's not doing so good, huh?
Lee: Well, me and kenny did kill her dad.
Shawn: I guess nobody can overcome that.
Lee: She'll be fine.
Shawn:You really think so?
Shawn:I dunno.
Shawn:I've been thinking, and, huh, I just don't know.
Lee attaches the winch to the trailer axle of the truck.
Lee turns on the winch control, which reels in the winch and pulls the jeep to the truck.
Shawn: Is clementine still upset with kenny for taking stuff out of that car last week?
Lee: What do you think?
Shawn: So no.
Lee: Nope.
The jeep reaches the truck, and Lee climbs onto it.
Shawn extends his hand.
Shawn helps Lee up onto the truck, and they enter the backdoor, closing it behind them.
Shawn: We should be good to clear this place out.
Shawn: Get everything you can out of these racks.
Shawn:Don't forget underneath the counter this time.
Shawn:I'll clear down here, and then we gotta go.
Lee moves a shelf upright. He takes the medicine box, two medicine bottles,an energy bar, and several supplies. He moves to the next aisle, and he takes two medicine bottles and a bandage from the box.
He takes supplies and a medical box from the shelf.
And he takes supplies on the floor next to the box.
He moves to the counter, Lee takes a medicine box.
He then looks inside the drawer and takes two energy bars, supplies, and a medicine box.
Shawn: My backpack is full.
Lee: So is mine.
Shawn: Alright, let's head back before walker's show up.
Lee: I agree.
Lee and Shawn escape through a hole in the wall.Lee and Shawn return to the motel. Mark is keeping watch, sitting in a chair on the RV. Clementine is talking on her radio but runs up to Lee when she sees him.
Clementine: You're back!
Clementine:Ben found some stickers in a drawer, and I put 'em on my walkie!
Lee: Hey, sweet pea.
Lee:That's neat, I'll find you in a minute.
Lee knocks on the doorframe of the open door to Lilly's room. Lilly opens the door all the way to speak to Shawn and Lee.
Shawn: We got as much stuff as possible.
Lilly: What'd you get?
Lee takes the pistol and gives his rifle to Lilly.
Lilly sets the rifle down on her dresser.
Lilly: So, what did you get?
Lee: A lot of stuff.
Shawn: Yeah, see for yourself.
Shawn hands Lilly the backpack. She places it on her bed and searches it.
Lilly: Nice work.
Lilly:This will keep us going.
Lilly:If we carry on like this, we'll get through the winter here.
Shawn: The winter?
Shawn: You're crazy right?
Lilly: Because piling into an rv with lee and kenny, after what they did to my dad, is so appealing.
Shawn: Why wouldn't it be?
Shawn:You know they'll do what it takes to keep everyone safe.
Lilly: We're already safe.
Shawn: Take a look at the wall, lilly. Shawn:That's not graffiti.
Shawn:Those are bullet holes.
Shawn:And we got enough arrow shafts sticking out of it to dry our laundry.
Shawn:And that's all beside the fact that macon is busting at the seams with walkers.
Lilly: We don't have walker problems.
Lee: We have to go eventually, lilly.
Lilly: We don't have to do anything.
Shawn: You didn't wanna go because of your dad's health, but he's gone now.
Lee: Easy, shawn.
Doug: So, you two are, uh, having a disagreement?
Shawn: I guess you can call it that.
Lilly: No, because it is called that.
Shawn: I'm not sorry.
Shawn: I should've stayed with my dad.
Lilly: Then why didn't you?
Kenny: Back off, lilly.
Lee: We're strongest together.
Kenny: What about the food situation?
Kenny:What about protection?
Kenny:What about when this place falls?
Kenny:Somebody's gotta be thinking about this shit.
Lilly: How has this not been working? Lilly:We have everything we need.
Kenny: 'Cause of me, lilly.
Lilly: That's bullshit, kenny, and you know it.
Kenny: What about medicine?
Lilly: What about medicine?
Lee: We got plenty of food from that station wagon.
Kenny: You didn't even wanna take it. Kenny:Where the hell would we be now?
Lilly: Everything that happens to us is another excuse for you to pull this crap about leaving.
Lilly:All I want is a week of peace; of not hearing it.
Mark:Just shut up, lilly.
Mark:We heard enough of you.
Lilly: Well fuck you too.
Kenny: Look, macon and its people aren't savable.
Kenny:It's not a town.
Kenny:It's full of walkers.
Kenny:And the people who were left are dying and wandering out onto the streets.
Kenny:It's hell on earth, and it's coming this way.
Lilly: It's not gonna be easier out on the road!
Kenny: How would you know?
Lilly: What I know?!
Lilly:I know you're not above murder! Lilly:I know somebody has been stealing our supplies!
Lilly:That's right, stealing, and I know the list of people I can trust here gets smaller every day!
Lilly:Now, everybody get out!
Lilly closes the door and everyone walks away.
Lee: She'll get over it.
Kenny: She's riling everybody up, otherwise.
Katjaa: You understand, ken.
Kenny: She's right about one thing. Kenny:None of this is gettin' any easier.
Kenny and Katjaa leave.
Doug: Uh, rough day, I guess.
Lee: Yep.
Lee:I've just been calling 'em "days" lately.
Doug: I don't know what it is, but it's probably worth talking to lilly about things going missing.
Doug:Ever since her dad died she's been a live wire.
Doug:And now if she's paranoid? Doug:That's a bad mix.
Lee nods and Doug leaves.
Lee opens Lilly's door and enters the room. She sits on the bed with her head in her hands but looks up when Lee approaches.
Lilly: I'm sorry.
Lee sits in a chair opposite her.
Lee: You don't have to apologize.
Lee: I wanted to follow up on what you said about stolen supplies.
Lilly: And you came in here to confess?
Lee: I'm not stealing shit, I came in here to help.
Lilly: Things are missing and I could use your help.
Lilly: There's a traitor, somebody, one of us, out there.
Lilly:He or she or they have been taking things.
Lee: Paranoia isn't going to help us.
Lilly: I know what this sounds like, but I'm not paranoid.
Lilly: The count's off and it's the good stuff.
Lilly:Antibiotics, oxy, fuck, anything with opium in it.
Lee: I see the count and it's fine.
Lilly: I keep my own.
Lilly: That one's getting messed with. Lilly:I'm a fucking mess right now but I'm not stupid.
Lilly:I know what happens if I start a witch hunt.
Lee: So you want me to start one?
Lilly: I want you to poke around.
Lee: What's there to go on?
Lilly reaches under her bed and pulls out a large broken flashlight, which she hands to Lee.
Lilly: I found this tossed into the garbage.
Lee: Hmm.
Lilly: We don't toss out equipment. Lilly:We fix it.
Lilly:You'd only try to get rid of a flashlight if you were using it when you shouldn't.
Lee: Okay.
Lee:I'll poke around a little bit.
Lilly: Thank you.
Lilly: If you don't find anything, I'm just going to assume it's you.
Lee exits Lilly's room.
Duck: A mystery!
Lee: Jesus, duck!
Duck: I'm sorry, I heard you guys talking.
Lee: You need to un-hear all of that.
Duck: Can I help?
Lee: What did I just say?
Duck: You're the greatest detective and I can be dick grayson!
Duck:Your ward!
Duck:That's Robin.
Lee: I know who it is.
Lee: You can help.
Lee:Don't tell anybody.
Duck: Secrecy!
Lee: Yeah.
Duck: What do I do?
Lee: I don't know.
Lee:Go look around.
Lee:Let me know if you find anything weird.
Duck: I'm on the case!
Lee inspects the broken glass and finds that it fits the flashlight.
Lee: Hmm.
Lee inspects the x drawn on the wall near the glass.
Lee: Huh.
Duck: Pink.
Lee: Duck!
Duck: A clue!
Lee: Maybe.
Duck: What do you think it is?
Lee: I don't think it's anything.
Duck: Maybe it's a sign!
Lee: It could be.
Lee:It's pink chalk, which is weird.
Duck: Okay, back to investigating!
Lee notices other chalk drawings on the ground, one of which is pink, then looks to Clementine, who is currently using chalk.
The Walking Dead telltale series season 1
AcciónThe world has suddenly turned into chaos with no explanation or reason. The dead walk the earth to send the living down to hell. One man, Lee Everett, struggles to survive and do what is right in this world gone mad. Can he make the best of his new...