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Adam ran at the door again, trying his best to break it down.
Grief rushed through his body, at the thought of losing Julie to that beast.
He fought and fought, ignoring the sharp pain in his back, as he fought against the metal hinges. Another loud, heart racing roar filled the air, along with a yelp from Julie. Adam fought and fought, ignoring every pain down his back as finally, a loud snap followed by a large thump, filled the arena.
Adam charged into the arena, and punched the Sphinx square in the side of its head, just before it pounced on Julie. A loud gasp came from the audience, followed by cheers, and a look of relief in Julie's eyes.
Julie was sitting in the ground, wincing in pain, and Adam helped her to stand. "Thank you.." she breathed. Adam smiled, with a blush that he could feel, but was interrupted by a low growl from the Sphinx.
Adam and Julie turned over to see the Sphinx circling in the air, and almost get its tail caught in a low hanging chain. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Julie smiled.
"I'll get on the Sphinx, you distract it." Adam instructed. Julie nodded, and the next time the beast swooped down, Adam managed to hop on its back, and hang on for dear life.
As the Sphinx bucked, and swerved, trying to knock Adam off, Adam could hear the crowd cheering, behind the lows ringing in his ears from all of the speed.
Julie waved her arms, and attracted it near the chain in middle of the pen. Finally, the flying cat went near the chain and, holding onto the Sphinx with his core and legs, he grabbed the chain, and used all the strength he had, to stop the beast. The Sphinx couldn't figure out how to continue to move, and so it circled around the chain, tangling itself. It tried to get free, but only made it worse. Suddenly, chains started to make their way around Adam and he slipped out of them, hanging above the ring, with very little strength left to hold. He used all of his might to hold a few seconds longer, but he fell.

A loud ringing filled his head, along with muffled voices and shouts. Some cheers, some of Bartholomew's announcing, and Julie's grief-stricken screams. "ADAM!" She screamed. "WAKE UP! PLEASE! WAKE! UP!" She demanded.
His mind was foggy. Where was he? The better question, who was he?
He lied on the ground, still and in pain, trying to remember what he was doing here, and who he was. Everything went black and he could see a middle-aged woman, with wise eyes and a grey streak in her hair. Behind her, was a large yellow house with a red front door. Adam recognized this as his childhood house. His life raced before his eyes, and all of his memories made their way back into his mind.
His 6th birthday, when his older sister visited just for him, when his crush in third grade kissed him on the cheek for a dare, in seventh grade when he had to move in with his grandma for better care, and then at camp with Julie. Every image of Julie racing through his mind seemed to calm him and make him feel a million times better.
His eyelids felt glued shut as he tried to open them. He could hear Julie cry over him, and she held his hand, in grief. He took his strength from deep down, and managed to open his eyes. "You just couldn't stand the thought of losing me, hey?" He grinned. Julie's eyes lit up with shock, as she wrapped her arms around him, in a hug. Adam felt a warm tug at his heart, knowing that she cared for him. "I love you, you big dummy!" She giggled. Adam smiled, and hugged her back. "So, he lives!" Bartholomew announced. "The first to beat our Sphinx. We all know what this means."
Adam felt a painful tug in his stomach. Not only because he didn't trust Bartholomew, but he was still in a lot of pain!
Julie stood up and faced Bartholomew. "Can't you see he's in no shape to put up with your crap!?" She defended. "He's hurts enough! Just let us go."
Bartholomew glanced around the crowd, as if he were actually considering this. "Oh, my poor, misunderstood girl. That's exactly what's happening! I'm not all that bad! As soon as one of you dies, the other one gets to leave in peace!" He smiled. Julie was left breathless. "We'll see about that..." she said, glancing at a rock in the sand. Julie grabbed the rock, and through it right where a weak knot in the Sphinx's chains was. The rock hit the knot, causing it to loosen and the chain fell down. Julie grabbed Adam, dragging him up along the chain, and everyone watched in amazement. Finally, they reached the top of the ring, and squeezed through a broken space from where the chain used to be.
Julie ran, doing her best not to fall through the bed of chains, and she gave Adam full support.
She climbed down a ladder on the side of a building, and as soon as their feet hit the ground, they ran.

A horse's howl: The enemy returnsWhere stories live. Discover now