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They had walked for a couple hours, with small breaks and rests every 20 minutes, to check on Adam's arm. "You don't have to worry about me so much, Julie." Adam chuckled, surprised Julie could be this mothering. "How's your arm? You still cut it pretty bad in the trailer." He checked, causing Julie to blush.
     "It's fine. It's no broken bone, treated with a shirt sleeve, that's for sure." She answered, rolling her eyes. Adam smiled.
     They walked another mile, and they saw a distant glow in some bushes off to the left. Julie, being stubborn and not listening to Adam, went to go check them out, and Adam had no choice but to follow. They came to a group of weeping willows that glowed of different shades of blue, pink, and purple. The bushes were all blue with hot pink berries, and instead of normal grass and gravel, it had a neon pink grass and crystals instead of any normal rock. "It's beautiful. Like those places in fantasy movies." Julie mused.
     "Yeah.." Adam agreed.
     Don't say it! Don't say it! Don't say it! His mind rang. "Like where they have the kiss scenes." He blushed. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what has gotten into me, I don't want- if you're not- you can- I don't-" he tried, looking like a fool. Julie giggled, and looked at the ground. "It's fine." She smiled. "Wanna stay here and talk for a bit?" She asked, sitting down under a neon blue tree with purple leaves. 
     "Sure, what do you wanna talk about?" Adam sighed, sitting beside her. He kept mentioning these things, and she'd push it aside. Adam wasn't sure if she felt the same way she did at the cliff.
     I like you too. Her voice echoed in his head. "How about we ask each other questions, and we have to answer them. Kind of like truth or dare, but no dare." She  continued.
     "Sure." He agreed.
     "Lets start. Have you had your first kiss yet? And if not, who would you want it to be with?"
     Adam blushed. He didn't have it and.. he wanted it to be with her, but how could he just say that? He'd already flirted with her twice. He had to so looking at the ground and avoiding eye contact, he said, "You. I'd want it.. I'd want it to be with you."
     Julie blushed very redly, and got a dazed look in her eyes.
     "How about you?" Adam asked, interrupting her thoughts.
     "I'd kiss you."
     Adam felt a sick feeling in his stomach. He didn't know why, but the thought of Julie liking him back, blew his mind. "Okay, moving on. Who was the first person you felt butterflies for?"
     "I...I think it was you." He admitted, feeling embarrassed.
     "Oh..." she blushed.
     "Who was the first person you felt butterflies for?" He repeated.
     "I think...I think it was you." She gushed.
     "Really?" He checked, feeling sick.
     "Yeah..and..I still do." She confessed. From the look in her eyes, she was having no party saying this. "I still get butterflies for you too." He gushed. She smiled and blushed, looking at the ground.
     "Do you wish we had kissed on the cliff?"
     "Sometimes..yeah." He admitted.
     "Me too.. so, about our whole conversation back in the lab, before we were kidnapped.. I'm sorry I kept pushing it aside. I just had so much bigger problems. I'm sorry."
     "It's fine. I was being dramatic. I just really wanted to kiss you back on the cliff. I-I know it's stupid but-"
     "It's not stupid." She comforted. "It just means you care. Any other person would be disappointed to be interrupted right when they were going to have their first kiss."
     He looked at the ground, feeling very embarrassed. He also felt very in love. "If you wanted to have your first kiss anywhere..where would it be?" He questioned, hoping she'd say here.
     "Here.." she blushed, avoiding eye contact. Adam moved a bit closer to her, and as she turned to see what he was doing, they kissed.
     His heart felt like it fell a million feet and was floating in the clouds at the same time. His mind went blank, thinking only that he loved Julie. "Woah.." Julie mused, as their lips parted. "That was...woah."
     Adam nodded, in agreement. "Julie...when we go back home..I don't want to go back to how we were before."
     Julie nodded, encouraging him to keep talking. "I-will you-I want-I don't-I just-"He stuttered, blushing crazily.
     "Adam. Whatever it is, I won't care." She said, smiling crazy.
     "I'm wondering if you'll be my girlfriend.."he sighed. "I don't want to just be a couple of friends who obviously like each other, but push it aside. I like you Julie. A lot. And, I can't push that aside."
     "Well, I'll care if it's that! Of course I'll be your girlfriend! I like you too, and I hate that every time it comes up, it's just barried way." Julie gushed, as she pulled him in for another kiss.

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