Chapter 2 Stupid Solace

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Next chapter of Lightwood High, hope you enjoy.

Nico's Dream POV

I was in a bed, white covering my face, and coldness in my bones. I felt weird, like I wasn't in my body anymore. I hear voices and strain to hear what they're saying. What I hear scares me and I struggle to get up. I can't even move my eyes.

"He's just a kid but he died so soon."

"I know it was a surprise to us all, we thought he would make it!"

"Yes, I know. There's nothing we can do now. I can't believe how his family reacted, his sister and mother looked pleased. I feel bad for the kid. His father waved his hand and walked out. I don't even know if they're going to give him a proper burial!"

"What?! How can they be like that to him?"

"Well, he deserves it I guess. He has been a burden to them, always making them worry about him. He's done nothing but give them trouble and cost them money."

"I guess you're right. How selfish of him. I think it's his fault his sister and mother are now dead. They were coming home to him when they died." Why is this happening, these events don't make sense?!

"Yeah, they died wanting to get home to him as fast as they could, even though it killed them in the process." Shut up that's not what happened! Please someone stop them from speaking anymore, they are telling lies! They have to be lying!

"You think we should even be letting him be in this bed?"

"No, he doesn't even deserve that." I feel my body being uncovered and then I feel nothing as I'm flopped onto a cold hard floor. I want to cry but I am helpless. None of my nerves are responding to my pleading cries to move in some way. I'm not dead, I'm not! I hate this why am I cursed like this? I can't even speak a single word, I can't scream, and I can't cry. What is this punishment for? You deserve it you killed your sister and your mother. Their deaths are all your fault. They wouldn't have died if you had not been there. They could have lived perfectly happy without you in their lives. They could have had the perfect family, they could have gone places, and they would be alive and healthy if you were dead. I scream in my thoughts wishing for this torture to stop its not my fault! Please I'm begging someone save me..please...

"Nico...up...Nico wake...Nico..up....Nico get up...have..go..Nico!" I hear a soft voice calling out to me as I stare at the ground I was slammed onto. I try to make it out better and the feeling of stiffness fades along with the accusing voices. "Nico, come on you're going to make yourself late for first hour!" I crack an eye open. I feel an arm around me and I'm pressed against a fabric of the school uniforms. It's a solid figure and I hear a soft heart beat in my ear. I jump away and see Will Solace sitting there giving me a worried look. I notice kids are filing out of the auditorium. I then think how I must have been sleeping against Will this whole time and feel color rise to my cheeks. How dare he let me sleep and hold me as well? Who does he think he is?! I glare at him and grab my bag. I feel something on my cheek. I put a hand to my face and feel it's wet. I feel my face heat up even more. Stupid Solace, stupid dreams, stupid me. I huff and wait for him to get up so I could get out of the small aisle of seats. He stood up grabbing his own bag then turned around standing in my way.

"Move Solace, I need to get to my locker," I say venom dripping with every word. He gives me this look then changes his face completely to a smile. I see the look he has in his eyes though and I know he's going to get on me about this later. I sigh and follow him as he leaves the mass of seats behind walking with the rest of the crowd into the hallway. I head towards the guys locker area and Will seems to be heading to the same place as me I ignore him and look for my locker number. 182, 183, 184, 185! Here it is. I do the combination, 44, 24, 16. I open it up and start packing things from my pack into the small shelves. I hear a gasp beside me and ignore it.

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